



Vienna Is Gifting Its Residents €50 Vouchers To Eat Outside And Support Local Restaurants

by Gizel Menezes
Vienna Is Gifting Its Residents €50 Vouchers To Eat Outside And Support Local Restaurants

While we’ve just been asked to go ‘vocal’ for local, authorities in Vienna have actually gone one step ahead to support its local restaurants and cafes, which have been worst-hit by the coronavirus lockdown. It has decided to give €50 (INR 4,423) worth vouchers to its residents to encourage them to come out and eat as well as support local businesses.

Image Courtesy: Rick Steve’s Europe

Vienna Is Giving Its Residents €50 vouchers To Eat Outside And Support Local Restaurants

The initiative was announced by the Vienna’s Mayor, Michael Ludwig, wherein he announced that all 9,50,000 households in Vienna would receive vouchers so that they could go out and support their favorite local restaurants. The Mayor even took to Twitter to share the news!

In line with the move, Vienna will offer €50 for every home, while single households in the city are set to receive €25. The Mayor also informed that all households would receive the voucher by mail and that these vouchers could be exchanged for cash by restaurants and cafés. However, these vouchers are not valid for alcoholic drinks. Oh no!

Image Courtesy: Tripadvisor

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Vouchers Just A Part of Vienna’s Plan To Support Local Businesses

According to TOI, the vouchers are part of a €40 million measure through which the Govt plans to support local restaurants. The federal government also seeks to help the restaurants by cutting taxes like VAT on non-alcoholic drinks and introducing a special levy on sparkling wine.

Restaurants and cafés in Vienna have been shut since 16 March, when Austria enforced a lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19. As a result, the losses to the restaurant industry have been significant, and have been further aggravated by the collapse of the tourism industry.

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First Published: May 20, 2020 11:44 AM