Space can be very terrifying. We know next to nothing about that final frontier and the things we do know, are anything but comforting. Recently, we had a visitor from out there. We don’t mean aliens, but meteors. The Turkey night sky was recently lit up by a blazing meteor. Videos of it went viral on social media platforms and have left many stunned and bewildered. Watch the videos of the meteor in Turkey below!
Blazing Meteor Lights Up The Turkey Night Sky
A couple of videos went viral on the popular social media platform X (formerly, Twitter). The video showed a blazing meteor hurling towards the earth. The entire night sky is painted in an ominous green hue because of the meteor.
This particular space rock was seen above the Turkish cities of Erzincan, Erzurum and Gumushane. It was sighted on the 2nd of September on Saturday. Multiple videos of it, taken from different angles by different people, have since gone viral on various social media platforms.
Many are stunned by the video and have expressed their awe at it. It is not every day that stuff like this happens and it is bound to strike a chord among people.
Also Read: At The Heart Of Turkey’s Cappadocia Lies This 2500-YO Underground City, Still Shrouded In Mystery
Video Goes Viral On Social Media
This particular video has drawn significant attention across social media platforms. It is a unique phenomenon that has captured onlookers’ imagination. In another video, a kid is playing with a balloon while the sky behind him takes on a morbid hue. The clouds in the sky cast a truly awe-inspiring shadow as the meteor passes through them.
Speaking of space, India recently landed one of its biggest projects on the moon, making it the first country to ever successfully send a spacecraft to the south pole of the moon. Chandryaan-3 garnered significant attention from the international community. The Indian Space Research Organisation or ISRO also received quite a lot of recognition for it.
Have you witnessed anything like it before? Would you want to witness such a phenomenon in person? Let us know in the comments below!
Cover Image Credits: @CAM1Nc/X (Formerly, Twitter)