9 Problems You Face While Travelling Without Money

by Akriti Seth
9 Problems You Face While Travelling Without Money

Planning a trip and shortage of cash!

I always thought I could take a trip with no money, and it is quite possible with our hearts open to the world. Hitch-hiking and home-staying are in!

If you’ve ever given a thought to travelling with no money, the you are brave. Empty pockets and bags filled with hope and enthusiasm is not always the best idea. You see!

Here’s why you should give traveling with no money a second thought because we all know that life’s not a bed full of roses. Let me tell you what can go wrong if you decide to travel with no money!

Read More: This Man Has Travelled The World For Free

1. Getting Robbed Despite Having No Money Is A Possibility 

Well! Well! You don’t have money on you. But ever calculated how much have you spent on the laptop, camera, cellphone and other miscellaneous things. Imagine them stolen! It’s a NO! NO!


2. Be Prepared To Be Uncomfortable

Like I said, it’s not going to be a bed of roses. Summer could be too hot and winter could be too cold. Bathrooms could be dirty and food could be bad. It’s not going to be a luxury experience for sure. So, be prepared my warrior!

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3. You Might Not Have A Proper Bath

Kill that Germaphobe in you for a few days if you’re travelling with no money. One of the biggest issues while travelling penniless is hygiene. A single bottle of sanitizer won’t last you very long.


4. Careful With People Who Give Unwanted Suggestions

People might give you wrong directions for their fun, they might laugh at you for travelling with no money. Don’t let them take advantage of you and stay away from them. You won’t be able to handle much confusion when penniless.

Also Read: 5 Types of Annoying People You Meet While Traveling

5. Charging Gadgets Is Always A Concern

You could also have major problems while charging your phone and other gadgets as you’re always on the go, figuring out what to do next.


6. Eight Hours Of Sleep Could Be Difficult

You will always be on your toes and will hardly get anytime to sleep. Arriving at places late and leaving during early mornings will be your routine. But hey! Let some caffeine in the body and drive away that sleep as the journey is just filled with adventures.

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7. Accepting Rejection And Adjustment Will Be Your Keys To Winning

You’ve faced enough rejection by the auto-walas in your life but this will be another level all together. People will reject to give you lift, you might get shooed off or they just won’t let you in the night. You might even have to adjust as the fourth seat, but isn’t that better than no seat at all?

8. Forget About Covering Longer Distances – Hitchhiking Could Mean Spending A Lot Of Time At One Place

Hitch-hiking is your only way to travel and if you think you could hitch hike for 200km ahead. Um! Sorry that wont happy. Just be prepared to stay at a place till you get the next lift.

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9. You Don’t Get The Benefits That A Tourist Might

Taking in every day as it comes, you don’t have a proper itinerary like a tourist does. So, you won’t get all the benefits that a tourist gets! But you will have an experience which no one else would. Right?

Also Read: 10 Things That You Should Keep in Mind While Travelling Abroad

Don’t you panic! Your wild soul will make its way and you will get where you have to.


“Bitten by wanderlust, she took the road.
With intuition, fearlessness and freedom packed in her bag.
She was off to a land with no end.

With no fear of life or death, with no worry of what came next.
She travelled on those roads not taken.
She reached where she had to with trust on the road and faith in her destiny.”

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First Published: August 01, 2017 12:58 PM