You Can Visit Finland For Free & Learn The Secret To Finnish Happiness; Here’s How

Visit Finland

In case you missed it, Finland topped the list of happiest countries in the world. And that too for the sixth time in a row! The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network or UNSDSN recently conducted a survey and released a report which measured factors like societal benevolence, income, physical and mental health, etc. This Nordic country came out on top. And now, to show us all how it’s done, it’s giving away free trips to the country. Here’s how you can win a chance to visit Finland for free!

Visit Finland For Free! Here’s How

Credits: Canva Images

After winning the title of the happiest country in the world for the sixth time in a row, Finland decided to share its secret with the world. It is taking a ‘Masterclass for Happiness’ which will be held from the 12th of June to the 15th of June, 2023.

This particular masterclass will be held at the Kuru Resort, which is a luxury resort retreat at a lakeside in Finland. According to the website of Visit Finland, expert Finnish coaches will discuss four major themes in four days. These are ‘design and “every day”’, ‘nature and lifestyle’, ‘food and well-being’, and ‘health and balance’.

Applications for this amazing opportunity are open and you can apply here. However, keep in mind that only 10 lucky winners will be selected for this masterclass. There is also a social media challenge where applicants have to talk about why they secretly might be a Finn.

Also Read: Santa Claus Has Come All The Way From Finland To Mumbai This Christmas Season And Here’s Everything In Store

The Finnish Philosophy Of Sisu

According to Finnish officials, the concept of Sisu is at the heart of their national ethos. One official even said that it is comparable to the concept of the American Dream for Americans. Even though there is no perfect translation of the word Sisu in English, what it essentially means is to face difficulties head-on.

Sisu is a combination of resilience, perseverance, and perspective. Keeping this philosophy at heart helps in dealing with difficult situations and more fully enjoying moments of peace. So if you, too, want a chance at learning the secret to happiness, apply now and get a free trip to Finland out of it! We couldn’t think of a better win-win situation.

The applications are open till the 2nd of April.

Also Read: Make Your Finland Dreams Come True As Direct Flights From Mumbai To Helsinki Starts In July

Will you be applying?  Let us know in the comments below!

Cover Image Credits: Canva Images

Tooba Shaikh: Runs on chai. Excels at cracking lame puns. Likes to think she is funny but people around her disagree. Loves wasting time and hates writing about herself.