



First Pod Prototype For Hyperloop One Has Been Revealed

by Dhruv Maniar
First Pod Prototype For Hyperloop One Has Been Revealed

Under 140 Characters 

The Dubai Media Office revealed the first ever pod prototype for Virgin’s Hyperloop )ne with all the details on how it will look when it is ready. 

What Is it? 

The Hyperloop is proposed to go at 700mph and will take you from Dubai to Abu Dhabi in just 12 minutes compared to 90 minutes it takes otherwise. This will impact on an estimated saving of $800 million working hours that are lost due to travelling. However, this project may take at least 5 more years till it’s tested and becomes a reality. On the other hand, Dubai is also planning to connect all other cities in the region through hyperloop. 

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Hyperloop Design 

It can seat about 10 people in each pod and is estimated to take 10,000 passengers per hour to and from Dubai. According to Khaleej Times, the beige leather seats have been designed by BMW.

The hyperloop cabin features embedded touchscreen and the cabin has angled seats to offer ample of leg room which will be a cosy way to travel in the huge tube.

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First Published: June 30, 2018 7:56 PM