



5 Holistic Ways To Benefit Your Mind, Body And Soul This Ramadan 

5 Holistic Ways To Benefit Your Mind, Body And Soul This Ramadan 

The holy month of Ramadan is just around the corner and we’re all preparing in full swing. While food, kids, gifts for family, friends and neighbors, and a de-cluttered home are some of the things we all prepare for ahead of the festivity, there’s another thing that’s as important. Taking care of your mind, body and soul is also key during Ramadan. So, it is necessary you do a brain dump and list everything clogging the mind.

From exercising regularly, to planning your goals and working towards achieving your dreams, Ramadan is also a time when you can nurture your mind, body and soul. And guess what? You are not alone in this!

Credits: Pixabay.com
Credits: Pixabay.com

Vatika is here to help you make your goals more attainable. Vatika and Curly Tales have launched a Ramadan Campaign that runs through the holy month. The campaign aims to empower women by providing them a set of benefits that will help nurture their mind, body or dreams. Vatika will help women hone an existing skill, fund a small scale business idea or help with psychological or physiological guidance from an expert. The campaign will pick six women at the end of Ramadan, who can better their lives from Vatika’s mind, body and dream benefits.

So, if you are a woman or know of other women who need guidance in nurturing their mind, body or dreams, Vatika is here to help. Write to us or ping us, tell us your story, and Vatika will offer a benefit that will help you better your life.

Vatika has always been a trusted companion to young Arab women by nourishing their hair. Now, Vatika will be torchbearer for women to actualize their real beauty by providing a platform that nourishes their aspirations (Soul, Mind & Dream) as well.

Well, apart from this, here are some other ways in which you can take care of your mind and body and enjoy the festivity to the fullest.

1. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is key when you’re fasting. The lack of water in your body can lead to dehydration, headaches or fatigue. So, make sure you remain hydrated following Iftar, until Suhour – focusing on water intake and staying away from caffeine or beverages that are high in sugar including tea, coffee, and sodas.

Credits: https://gulfnews.com/

2. Break Your Fast With Dates

There’s a reason why dates are an important part of Ramadan. Apart from the richness and flavor, dates are a natural source of energy as they restore Potassium, Copper, Manganese and Fiber, in the body, especially after a long fast. Add in 2-3 dates as part of your meal, when you’re breaking the fast.

Pic Credit: NPR

3. Watch What You Eat 

Eating a well balanced Iftar that’s got the right proportion of carbohydrates, lean protein, and vegetables is the best way to keep your gut healthy. It’s best to start off with a salad or a soup, and avoid foods that are fried, or are high in fat and sugar. On the other hand, for Suhour, make sure you have a meal that is high in fiber or protein and low in salt.

4. Exercise Regularly

Fasting does not mean you stop exercising. If you have been reluctant to exercise during Ramadan, it’s time you knew that its perfectly safe to work up a sweat when you fast. Experts suggest that exercising and fasting can go together without causing any harm to the body. However, avoid high intensity workouts and opt for slow or moderate exercises that will calm your mind and body. The best time to exercise is an hour after Iftar or taraweeh prayers.

Image credits: ODT

5. Spend Time with Others

Engaging socially is important for brain health as it reduces stress and enhances intellectual stimulation. Spending time with family and friends will keep your energy levels high, and also boost happy hormones in your body.

Beachcombers Brunch, Dubai
First Published: April 06, 2021 1:17 PM