69% Of Indians Plan To Travel For A Music Concert; Study Reveals The Growing Trend Of Music Tourism In India

Exploring new destinations and indulging in relaxation are classic travel motivators.

by Nikitha Sebastian
69% Of Indians Plan To Travel For A Music Concert; Study Reveals The Growing Trend Of Music Tourism In India

Music is a universal language, uniting people across cultures and inspiring journeys for passionate fans. This World Music Day, Booking.com sheds light on the growing trend of music tourism among travellers in India, revealing the motivations behind their wanderlust for live events.

The Growing Trend Of Music Tourism In India

Image Courtesy: Canva (Representative Image)

Exploring new destinations and indulging in relaxation are classic travel motivators. A significant number of Indians (33%) are prioritising trips centred around music festivals and concerts. This exciting fusion of travel and music is a reflection of their desire for experiences that resonate with their passions.

Driven by their passion for music, Indian travellers are increasingly embarking on musical adventures. Topping the list is their devotion to the music and artists themselves.  A staggering 69% planning trips to see their favourites live. Music also serves as a powerful social glue, with 65% viewing these events as opportunities to connect with loved ones who live far away.

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Love For Music And Wanderlust

Image Courtesy: Canva (Representative Image)

The sense of community is strong too.  58% of travellers are drawn to the chance to connect with fellow fans and share their love for a particular artist. But music tourism isn’t just about the music itself. For 54%, it’s a chance to experience a new destination through the lens of the event, immersing themselves in the local culture. Additionally, nearly half (49%) travel for music that isn’t available near home, highlighting the desire to see specific artists.

Finally, the fear of missing out (FOMO) is a powerful motivator. 45% take music trips to avoid missing a dream concert. These trends show that Indian travellers are combining their love for music with their wanderlust, creating unique and enriching travel experiences.

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Booking.com’s insights paint a clear picture. Indian travellers are increasingly seeking experiences that combine their love for music with the thrill of exploration. As the world celebrates music’s unifying power, it’s evident that Indian travellers are leading the charge, harmoniously blending their passion for music with their wanderlust.

Cover Image Courtesy: Canva (Representative Image)

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