A Rare Solar Eclipse Will Be Visible In The UAE Skies Next Month

by Vaishnavi Venkataraman
A Rare Solar Eclipse Will Be Visible In The UAE Skies Next Month

A stunning natural phenomenon will be visible in the UAE skies next month. Wondering what? Well, we hear that a solar eclipse will engulf the UAE skies in December. However, what’s surprising about this is that the stunning ring of fire eclipse will be visible to the naked eye after 172 years. Residents can witness the annular solar eclipse for two hours on 26 December.

What’s In It?

A stunning ring of fire or the annular solar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the moon covers 91% of the sun’s centre portion. As a result, the sun’s outer edges form a ring of fire or annulus around the moon. The ring of fire marks the maximum stage of an annular solar eclipse.

Solar eclipse in UAE
Credits: thenational.ae

The rare sighting occurs when the moon is furthest from the Earth. Previously, the same phenomenon was recorded in the UAE in 1847. Hasan Al Harari from Dubai Astronomy Group said: ” “The disc of the moon will move in front of the sun but because of the moon’s distance from Earth, it will only partially cover it, causing a ring-type visual. Because of its rarity, this is quite a spectacular event. It does not happen as often as a total eclipse.”

Residents in the UAE can witness the rare sighting on 26 December. Besides, those living in Liwa area of Abu Dhabi will also be able to see the total annular phase- where a bright ring will be visible outside the moon.

The eclipse will start at 7.25 am, and will last only for two to three minutes. However, the total solar phenomenon will last two hours and 21 minutes in total. Dubai Astronomy Group warns residents not view it with naked eye, as it can be harmful.

Details Of The Annual Solar Eclipse

Duration: 2 hours, 21 minutes, 32 seconds
Duration of annulus (ring of fire): 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Maximum eclipse: 7:36:43am

First Published: November 24, 2019 9:04 AM