



These Stunning Covid-19 Wall Arts From Around The World Are Sure To Stir Your Soul

by Suchismita Pal
These Stunning Covid-19 Wall Arts From Around The World Are Sure To Stir Your Soul

When the entire world is under the gloom of the pandemic, various coronavirus-themed street arts have blossomed all around the world depicting the pillars of strength that are fighting against it. These eye-catching street paintings aptly depict the changing times after the pandemic. The colours and splashes give a sense of responsibility and courage that we need the most now, as our lives are turned upside down. Here’s a curation of 20 such amazing graffiti from different countries of the world:

1.  BK Foxx Grafitti- East London

This is a masterpiece by French artist Zabou from the lanes of East London. It wonderfully depicts artist BK Foxx wearing her graffiti mask.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Evening Standard

2. Red Mask – East London

It’s aptly said that a picture has the capability of conveying a thousand words. This vibrant street art from east London has a mix of multiple emotions and it is fluent in its own unique way.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Evening Standard

3. Kissing Couple- Madrid

This a marvellous mural from the central capital of Spain, Madrid. The red background is seamlessly contrasting with the black attires of the couple. It symbolizes the survival of love and passion amid the pandemic.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Corriere

4. We All Are Chained- Scotland

Coronavirus has chained the entire human race. And what can explain this truth better than this street art by Rebel Bear in Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland?

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Los Angeles Times

5. Doctor Holding India- Rajasthan

Steet artists have painted this picture on the walls of Bikaner, Rajasthan to thank doctors, policemen, essential service providers and all the frontliners who are labouring day and night to save the country from the fatal pandemic.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Twitter

Also Read: Expansive Coronavirus-Themed Grass Graffiti Unveiled In Swiss Alps

6. Buddha Grafitti -Mumbai

This picture of Goutam Buddha wearing a face mask helps in spreading a very valuable message. The mask is the symbol of safety, and Buddha is the epitome of faith. And these are the two things we need to swear by right now.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: The New York Times

7. Doctors Wall Art- Jakarta

This mural was created to pay homage to the health workers of Depok, located in the West Java province, near Jakarta, Indonesia.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Indulge-The New Indian Express

8. Gaza Strip-Gaza City

An artist in Palestine has created this impactful mural showing the microscopic appearance of the coronavirus chained to a prisoner. It also depicts Palestinians confined in Israeli jails, amid the fears of the virus spread.
Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: CNBC.com

9. Nurses Mural- Dallas

Here’s a stunning mural from the streets of Dallas in the USA. It pays tribute to the nurses, who are the superwomen of the hour.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Dallas Morning News

10. Robyn Mural- Dublin

This street art in South Dublin by Irish artist Emmalene Blake depicts singer-songwriter Robyn who is encouraging people to stay at home by dancing on Tiktok.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Evening Standard

10. We Can Do It- Dublin

This is yet another masterpiece from South Dublin, again by Emmalene Blake, that’s shouting kudos to the healthcare heroes. The real-life heroine posing beside the picture is Michelle Farrell, a healthcare assistant at Junction House Primary Healthcare centre.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Evening Standard

11. Superheroes Art- Pontefract

Who needs a superhero when we have doctors and nurses? This creative work hails from Pontefract, the historic market town in West Yorkshire, England.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Evening Standard

Also Read: 7 Positive Things Amidst COVID-19 Outbreak That Prove That The Earth Is Healing

12. Super Nurse- Amsterdam

This picture is by an artist named FAKE. This is another beautiful tribute to the medical professionals treating coronavirus in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Indulge-The New Indian Express

13. For The Real Heroes- Germany

This wall art from Hamm, Germany is by street artist Uzey. The words on the painting mean, ‘for the real heroes’.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Indulge-The New Indian Express

14. Angel Nurse- Denver

A painting representing a nurse with a mask and boxing gloves and wings on her back in downtown Denver, United States show that the nurses and the doctors are the true angels from heaven at the time of this crisis.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Pinterest

15. Cancel Plans Not Humanity- Los Angeles

This mural in bright yellow hue can draw the attention of people from far off distances. It features a doctor with a big and bold message, ‘Cancel Plans Not Humanity’.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: CP24

16. Zeus Doctor-Australia

In Greek mythology, Zeus is the God of the World who holds the universe on his shoulders. Now, during the pandemic, we have found god within human beings and they are again, the doctors. This one is from Melbourne, Australia.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: CNBC.com

17. Cashier Mural- Switzerland

We showed you all a slew of paintings on health workers. Now this mural is a tribute to the essential service providers. It is by artist David “S.I.D.” Perez in Gland, Switzerland.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Yahoo Japan

18. Not Every Hero Wears A Cape-Poland

This is a token of gratitude to the Polish health professionals during the coronavirus pandemic in Warsaw, Poland. The painting is created by a website called Na Temat.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Twitter

19. Stay Home Reminder- Erd

This graffiti in Erd, south of Budapest, Hungary reads ‘stay at home and let’s take care of each other’. A simple yet the most needed reminder now!

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: StartLap

20. Smiley Wall Art- Capitol Hill

Two street artists created this piece of art, encouraging people to smile and try to stay happy and positive amid the anxieties. It is from Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighbourhood.

Graffiti on coronavirus
Picture Credits: Stavanger Aftenblad

Also Read: These Inspiring Quotes And Captions On Social Media Are Helping Us With Quarantine Boredom

As these artists have found a way to keep themselves engaged during this fearful time, you too can do something similar. Of course, going out and painting the town might not be an option for you. But you can at least stay at home, pull out your drawing book and start expressing your ideas on paper through scribbles and strokes. That will not only kill your boredom but will also cheer up your moods.

First Published: May 06, 2021 4:20 PM