European Countries May Soon Lift All Travel Restrictions

by Sanjana Shenoy
European Countries May Soon Lift All Travel Restrictions

Denmark has now become the first nation in the European Union to lift all its Covid-10 pandemic restrictions. While the European nation has witnessed 50,000 daily cases of COvid-19 on average, the number of patients in hospital ICUs have dropped. Denmark doesn’t consider the coronavirus outbreak, ” a socially critical” disease anymore, despite a surge in Omicron cases. And now Norway has followed suit and removed most Covid rules in the country, including the mask mandate. The archipelago region of Svalbard will continue to have a few restrictions.

Denmark Is The First EU Country To Lift Covid-19 Restrictions

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen revealed on Danish radio that the Covid-19 restrictions will be lifted in Denmark but he warned that this may not be a final goodbye to restrictions altogether. This is because the government has remained careful in case a new variant arrives and measures may have to make a comeback. Denmark is witnessing a surge in covid cases but due to the high vaccination rate, these cases aren’t placing a heavy burden on the country’s health system.

Also Read: Denmark To Become First Country In The World To Launch Corona Passport For Vaccinated Citizens

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Denmark Bids Goodbye To Face Mask & Digital Pass Restrictions

When it comes to the restrictions lifted in Denmark, wearing masks is no longer mandatory in shops, public transport or for standing clients in restaurants or indoor areas. Face masks are just mandatory in hospitals, nursing homes and healthcare facilities. Denmark has scrapped another restriction in place, where digital passes are now not required for entry into cafes, indoor restaurants, cafes, nightclubs and party buses. Over 60 per cent of Denmark’s population over the age of 12 years, has received the Covid-19 vaccine third dose. The country has warned that due to a rise in infections, a fourth vaccine shot may be necessary.

First Published: February 14, 2022 11:12 AM