Flight Experience From India To Saudi Arabia During Pandemic | Stories From Dubai S1 E11

Curly Tales contributor Evangeline Aralikatti who shares her flight experience with you from India to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Evan talks about the social distancing at the airports, the safety & precautions carried out by the airport staff. She changed 4 airports in a span of 2 days. Here is her full travel & inflight experience.

Bianca Saurastri: Bianca is a complete walking talking adventure bag, from jumping off a plane to diving into life underwater, from exploring counties snow filled mountains to taking a leap from the tallest bridge in the world, Bianca has done it all! Growing up in a Gujarati family, she doesn't believe in restricting herself to society's norms like "how can you do that"? She believes in making the most of everything life has to offer