Himachal Pradesh To Legalise Cannabis Cultivation For Medical & Industrial Use

Himachal Pradesh is known for its Mallana Cream but in a surprising turn of events, the government is all set to make cannabis legal in the state. In a significant announcement in Himachal Pradesh’s annual budget speech, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said that the state government is coming up with policies to allow controlled cultivation of cannabis and hemp. The commercial cultivation of the plant will be for non-recreational purposes such as making medicines and fabrics.



Image Courtesy: Outlook – Releaf Medical Cannabis

Cannabis Grown In Himachal Is The Best In The World

Globally, cannabis products are increasingly being used for health and medicinal purposes but people also use the plant to make building material. In parts of Himachal, hemp had traditionally been used for making footwear, ropes, mats, and food items. The cannabis grown in the state is the best in the world. Himachal Pradesh Opens New Paragliding & River Rafting Hubs Across The State.

h The Hemp Industry To Generate More Employment

Legislators in Himachal Pradesh have been advocating the use of hemp for years to strengthen the state’s economy. With the already hard-hit tourism sector, the Himachal government is now heavily dependent on the Centre for funds. The state government now hopes to attract a growing hemp industry to generate employment and become economically self-reliant. Thai Hospital Serves Food With Cannabis Like Sandwich With Marijuana Leaf.

Picture Credit: Unsplash

Did you know that in 2018, Uttarakhand became the first state to cultivate strains of the cannabis plant? 

Tania Tarafdar: Tania has an unhealthy love for period dramas and a lot of opinions. But the heart wants what it wants. She and yoga are in an eternal relationship. You can see her breaking into yoga asanas in the snow-capped Alps and the Mediterranean Sea coastline. Her friends swear by her food and travel recommendations. Follow her on Instagram @cheer24*7 or @plus.size.life.