



Hosting A Wine Night? Here’s How Many Wine Bottles You Need To Store

by Ankita Mazumdar
Hosting A Wine Night? Here’s How Many Wine Bottles You Need To Store

Are you wondering how much wine is too much wine? Well, there is no such thing as too much wine or however, the saying goes. There will always be someone who needs to have their glasses filled with wine, at all costs. Otherwise, you get to keep it for yourself, best of both worlds. Hosting a party night and want to have free-flowing wine? Lucky for you, this article explores how many wine bottles you need to stock if hosting, say 20 people. We are your designated wine calculator! *winks*

This Is How Much Wine You Need For A Party Of 20

India’s only Master of Wine, Sonal Holland recently took to Instagram to share the secret for purchasing wine for a party of 20. Her perfect guideline will make your party and people buzzing! She goes on to say that it is a thumb rule to keep half a bottle of wine for each person. In this manner, for 20 peeps it comes out to be 10 bottles of wine. 

Also Read: Not Italy Or France, Sweden Is The New Hotspot For Wine-Making. Here’s Why!

To be on the safer side, if you just plan on serving wine and no other alcoholic drinks, then there is a little tweak in the thumb rule. Make it ¾ of a bottle per person, so it will come down to 15 bottles for 20 people. On top of that try to pour out five to six glasses from one bottle to make your wine bottle last longer.

How To Store Wine After Opening The Bottle?

Image Credits: Canva

10 or 15 bottles of wine is a large quantity, and there might be a chance that not all 20 people will show up. So open the wine bottle carefully and keep a tab for the same. Otherwise, follow these simple methods to store wine after opening the cork or cap.

  1. They should be placed in an upright position to minimise exposure to oxygen
  2. Store it in the fridge, as simple as that. Wines are sipped cooler, and the cold temperature of the fridge will slow down the process of chemical reactions.
  3. Cork it properly and check twice because the wine molecules will react and change the taste
  4. Invest in a good vacuum pump for wine and pump out the extra air, and you are good to go!

Also Read: Wine, Secrets, And Architectural Charms: The Fascinating Story Behind Florence’s Wine Windows

Now, you will never worry about running out of wine during your parties. It is wine o’ clock somewhere, so get the party started!

Cover Image Credits: Canva

First Published: September 05, 2023 3:40 PM