Curly Tales

Hyderabad Has A Sleep Concert This World Sleep Day & Here’s All You Need To Know About It

Sleep Concert

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Imagine visiting a concert and someone asks you to fall asleep. Sounds unusual, right? Well, this is NOT something weird or unusual but rather a growing trend all around the world. Here, I am talking about Sleep Concerts! On the occasion of World Sleep Day, Centuary Mattress is hosting a grand sleep concert. Are you hearing about something like this for the first time? Well, let me take you through a virtual journey of such events and the arrangements for these.

Centuary Mattress Hosts A Sleep Concert In Hyderabad

Picture credit- Canva

World Sleep Day is celebrated on March 15 and on this special day dedicated to raising awareness for the importance of sleep, Centuary Mattress is hosting a sleep concert in Hyderabad. Well, it is not just any random event but the “Largest Qoolest Sleep Concert”. This unique sleep-inducing event is being organised in collaboration with Big FM. There are many interesting elements added to it and here’s all you need to know about it.

Hundreds of people are participating in this sleep concert. One of the biggest highlights is the inclusion of the Swaram Band. While listening to the magical tunes of Swaram Band, they fall asleep, relax, and unwind. To check out the event, you can scroll through the social media accounts of Centuary Mattress.

Mr. Uttam Malani, the Centuary Mattress Executive Director, shared how the brand aims to “underscore the profound significance of quality sleep in nurturing the physical and mental well-being”. They are hosting the event by blending music and relaxation beautifully. Centuary Mattress attempts to raise awareness about sound sleep with the help of music. He also emphasised how sleeping for 8 hours is a minimum physical requirement.

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Are Sleep Concerts Effective?

Picture credit- Canva

There are some positive impacts of such similar sleep concerts. By participating in one of these events, participants can feel “enriching and rejuvenating sleeping experiences”. Soothing music plays a significant role in sleep concerts and helps participants fall asleep and sleep soundly. It has a major positive impact on wellbeing. It also helps in relaxing the body and mind.

Also read: After An Electrifying Concert Debut In India, Nick Jonas Visited Koishii, Mumbai’s Nikkei Cuisine Hotspot

Have you participated in sleep concerts before?

Cover Image Courtesy: Canva

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