



Kamiya Jani To Take Masterclass On How To Convert Your Passion Into Paycheque

by Kamiya Jani
Kamiya Jani To Take Masterclass On How To Convert Your Passion Into Paycheque

One of the biggest puzzles of my 20s was how to take advantage of my wanderlust spirit, but also have a career I enjoy and make money. It seemed like doing a corporate job and pursuing your passion as a hobby is the only way out.  After 10 years of working hard for others, four years ago, I quit my job and followed my heart to the places it took me. I started a food & travel website, CurlyTales.com , earned a status of ‘Chief Travelling Officer’ and today; Curly Tales is one of India’s Biggest Food & Travel Content Platform with a community size of 5mn+. I went from 0 to 40 countries to a 7-figure business.  In this masterclass, I will tell you how I made my way from passion to paycheque. And here’s how you can too. Enroll now!

I Went From Zero To 40 countries & A 7-Figure Business & Now Its Your Turn

There are two ways of progressing – make mistakes and learn from them or save time and learn from someone else’s mistakes. When I launched Curly Tales, I had zero experience in running a digital business and had minimal experience in social media. But things eventually fell in place and I learnt a lot along the way. I want to share my learning, experience, challenges, tips & tricks of the trade.  


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What is it that you are passionate about? Food, Travel, Fashion, Fitness, Technology, Art – No matter what – LET YOUR PASSION PAY YOU.  I will be conducting live these interactive sessions that will equip you with real-life learnings and help you set off on your content creation & digital career.

What You’ll Learn:
📍Identifying Your Passion & Choosing The Right Domain

📍 Setting Up Your Blog & Kickstart Your Digital Career

📍 The Know-Hows Of Written, Social & Video Content

📍 Tips On Script Writing & Catchy Captions

📍 The Art Of Self Shooting & Presentation Skills

📍 Minimizing Cost & Maximizing Impact

📍 Brand Collaborations & Monetizing Through Your Content

Session 1: Fuel Your Passion And Launch Your Brand

When you are passionate about something, you can create the highest expression of your talent. Confused about what you are truly passionate about? Allow me to help you discover your passion and launch your brand. Launching your own blog provides one of the best platforms for you to hone and showcase your own vision, voice, and views (Like we do in Curly Tales!). However, it is essential that you get everything right from the start. If you create a good foundation for your website, you can build on it later on when you learn more.

In the first session I am going to talk about the 5 thumb rules to get started with running a successful digital platform. We are going to cover key points like choosing the right domain, competitive landscape, value proposition, establishing your brand and distribution funnel.

 Session 2:  The A To Z Of Content Creation

When you get to do what you love, there is a lot of satisfaction but when there is no audience to it, it can leave you feeling empty. This session will be about the art of script writing, how to write viral headlines and engaging content, and finding the audience for your content. Want more people to interact with you? You have to give as well. In this session, I will tell you about the best ways to boost your engagement and keep your community growing. So get that emoji keyboard ready…

Session 3: Video Making And Presentation Skills

If you thought you needed all the fancy equipment and a huge production unit to create good videos, you were wrong. As a blogger, your goal should be to go viral with low cost production. I will share some insider tips about the art of self-shooting, some editing lessons and  presentation skills. Here, I am going to throw light upon the four major costs of video production and the thumb rules for content creation to have an impact on the audience. I am also going to share insights on making an impact through videos and approaching brands for barters.

Session 4: Passion To Paycheque

Already got the numbers? Get noticed by creating content that suits the brand’s style. In this episode, I will talk about how you must go about approaching brands or create various funnels to monetise your content. Remember, brand partnerships almost certainly come hand in hand with personal partnerships so we are going to talk about building some PR as well. I will also share tips on planning your revenue model, getting brands to partner and knowing your social media worth!

Session 5: Show Me Your Creativity And Ask Me Anything

Enjoyed the sessions? It is your chance to sum up the lessons and share your creativity as I will choose some of you for an interesting internship/job opportunity based on your performance. In this session, you can hop in for an interactive question and answer session where you can clear all your doubts & apprehensions.

What are you waiting for? Unleash the power of influence and convert your passion to paycheque. Enroll now!

First Published: June 07, 2021 10:34 AM