The short and tall of it debate is always as hot as coals. Is being tall better? Is shortness a pain? Well, we do know that even if tall people did get ridiculed, it is still socially acceptable and even admirable when you heap up on them short people. It is a sign of beauty even. But this designer who is based in London, went a step ahead and designed glasses especially for short people, to help them see more than their petite frame would allow. But did we really need this? Read on, tall or short.
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Periscope Glasses
Dominic Wilcox is behind this invention of the Periscope glasses. So when a short person wears it, you can see one foot above your regular eye level. How did he build it? ” …by cutting and bending one sheet of mirror acrylic which I think worked out well after lots of tries,” he wrote in an Instagram post.
The Inspiration
How did Wilcox come to design these glasses in the first place? Once at a gig, he happened to turn around and saw a short woman at the back who couldn’t see the band itself. This inspired him to design these glasses to help short people get over daily inconveniences and problems like these.
Furthermore, it was Microsoft Surface that put up a challenge for him which required him to come up with answers to daily issues faced by all sorts of people.
Although it seems like a cool solution to short people woes, for one, periscopes are available everywhere in markets anyway. Why not just get those instead of these glasses made so painstakingly. Also, the solution is not to appease problems faced by short people because a number of them arise from a prejudice against the ones not so tall. Often at the receiving end of ridicule are the short ones as being tall is socially acceptable and desirable. Thus, we need to remove this absolutely bizarre notion from it’s root first instead of providing glasses. That’s like there being a water crisis but instead of analyzing its root causes like global warming etc you just import water from outside and sell it at exorbitant rates.
What do you think? Would you buy this?
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