Madurai Kiosk Serves Chai In Edible Biscuit Cups

Picture Credits: The Better India

Eating the cone with the ice-cream is normal, but have you ever thought of taking a bite of your cup of tea? The RS Pathy Nilgiri Tea kiosk, located in Madurai’s West Masi Street, serves tea in a very delicious, crunchy edible cup. In other words, first, you can drink the tea and then eat the cup too. These special cups are chocolate flavoured and they can hold 60 ml of piping-hot tea for about 10 minutes. Due to the amazing taste of this chai, the kiosk has been drawing people even during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

RS Pathy Nilgiri Tea Kiosk In Madurai Serves Tea In Chocolate Flavoured Edible Cups

RS Pathy & Co came to existence in 1909 for manufacturing ayurvedic products like oils and balms. In the year 2013, the company came up with a new product, the RS Pathy Nilgiri Tea powder. Initially, the tea powder was sold at the family-owned shop in Madurai. When it started gaining demand, Vivek Sabapathy, the manager of R S Pathy Naturos, decided to open a tea kiosk beside the outlet and start selling tea. Initially, tea was served in small plastic cups. But after the ban of plastics in 2019, Vivek thought of an eco-friendly and low-cost alternative and switched to clay cups. It was in March 2020 when he came across the manufacturer of wafer products Edco India and launched these biscuit cups.

Also Read: Sip On 100 Varieties Of Tea At This Small Tea-Stall In Bengaluru

Each Edible Cup Comes For ₹20

Each edible cup, containing 60 ml tea, comes at ₹20. According to Hindu, Vivek has said, “People are finding it safe, hygienic and a little more filling than the regular cup of tea, and are also happy about its zero-waste value.” He also added that the shop might introduce multiple flavours of these biscuit cups soon. Packaging of these cups is tricky. They come in sealed packets of six that are placed carefully in recyclable crates.

Picture Credits: The Better India

Also Read: Sip Over 60 Varieties Of Chai At Chai Jaai In Srinagar

So, the next time you visit Madurai, be it for a trip or work, don’t forget to gorge on these quirky teacups. Also, Kuremal Mohanlal Kulfi in Delhi makes kulfis inside whole fruit:

Suchismita Pal: The best trendsetters are the ones who find it first! Suchismita loves to roam around the nooks and crannies of the world through her laptop and present every beautiful picture in the form of words. With due respect to her Bengali roots, she is a die-hard foodie and has a special love for all things sweet. When in doubt, she prefers to escape to the mountains. Suchi loves to follow her heart and live every moment to the fullest.