Massive Iceberg Double The Size Of Mumbai Breaks Off In Antarctica Proving Climatic Change Is Real

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It is high time we take global warming seriously and take actions accordingly. Antarctica is melting and if this goes on, the world will be sinking in no time. Recently, a massive iceberg almost double the size of Mumbai has broken away from the Antarctic ice shelf near a British research station.

The Ice Berg Broke Off In A Process Called Calving

Researchers said that the iceberg measuring about 1,270 square kilometres had broken off from the 150-meter-thick Brunt Ice Shelf in a process that is called “calving”. This breakage of the ice came almost after a decade after scientists first saw massive cracks in the shelf. Scientists Find Cleanest Air On Earth & It’s Near Antarctica.

Picture Credit: Unsplash

The Crack In The Iceberg Widened By Several Metres

The crack in the ice broke open by several thousand metres before the iceberg broke off completely. Since the research station monitored the state of the vast floating ice shelf daily, they were prepared for the calving the iceberg for years. The researchers had relocated inland for safety reasons as cracks in the ice threatened to cut it off. Antarctica’s Snow Is Turning Green, All Thanks To Climate Change!

Image Courtesy: Silversea

Climatic Change Responsible For Breakage Of Icebergs

Climatic change accelerates the breakage of the icebergs naturally into the ocean. However, in this case, the researchers said that there is no evidence of climatic change playing a significant role. The iceberg could move away or run aground and remain close to the Brunt Ice Shelf in the coming years.

Also read: The Snow In Antarctica Has Turned From Pure White To A Bloody Red

The British Antarctic Survey is a world leader in environmental research in the region where the incident took place.

Tania Tarafdar: Tania has an unhealthy love for period dramas and a lot of opinions. But the heart wants what it wants. She and yoga are in an eternal relationship. You can see her breaking into yoga asanas in the snow-capped Alps and the Mediterranean Sea coastline. Her friends swear by her food and travel recommendations. Follow her on Instagram @cheer24*7 or