There are many updates happening in the GCC region that can be quite difficult to keep up with. To ensure you’re ahead of all the news updates, we have made a list of them from the GCC. Take a look at these updates from the GCC region.
GCC Updates
1. Al Ain To Get 100 New Bus Stops
بلدية مدينة العين تبدأ مشروع انشاء 100 موقف لحافلات النقل العام بهدف تطوير البنية التحتية في المدينة و زيادة معدل الأمان و الحركة الانسيابية لنظام التقل الجماعي ، يشمل المشروع عدة مناطق و ينجز في النصف الثاني من العام 2025
Al Ain City Municipality begins a project to establish…
— بلدية مدينة العين (@alainmun) January 15, 2025
It was announced by the Al Ain Municipality that 1000 new bus stops will be coming up here. Yes, the garden city of Al Ain as revealed will have new public transport bus stops. These buses will be coming in several parts of the city and it’s set to be completed in the second half of this year.
2. German Supermarket Banned From Selling Dubai Chocolates
Recently, a German court, banned a supermarket chain from selling a version of Dubai chocolate. For those who’re unaware, these chocolates have a filling pistachio paste and thin pastry. This complaint was filed by another supermarket chain that actually imports chocolate from Turkey.
3. GDRFA Dubai Welcomes With MBZ-SAT Stamp
إقامة دبي ترحب بزوار دولة الإمارات عبر مطارات دبي وتزين جوازاتهم بختم “محمد بن زايد سات” تكريماً لإطلاق القمر الصناعي الذي يعكس الإنجاز الإماراتي في مجال الفضاء ورؤية القيادة الطموحة
GDRFA Dubai welcomes visitors to the UAE through Dubai Airports and adorns their passports…
— GDRFA DUBAI إقامة دبي (@GDRFADUBAI) January 15, 2025
The GDRFA Dubai recently welcomed visitors to the UAE through the Dubai Airports with a special stamp. This was a special MBZ-SAT stamp that paid tribute to the launch of the satellite, which reflects the massive achievement by the UAE.
4. Tuwaiq International Sculpture Symposium Attracts 30 Artists
Tuwaiq Sculpture Symposium 2025 Sees Participation of 30 International Artists
— SPAENG (@Spa_Eng) January 15, 2025
The sixth annual Tuwaiq International Sculpture Symposium began on Wednesday, January 15. This will be happening till February 8 at Roshn Front and the features 30 artists from 23 countries. They have created public art sculptures using granite and basalt stones from the Kingdom.
Also Read: Riyadh’s First Dolce & Gabbana Caffe Has Opened At This Historic Location & We’re On Our Way!
5. Qatar Airways Resumes Flights To Malta
Mela Malta!#QatarAirways is resuming its operations to Malta with four weekly flights from 2 July 2025.
Your Mediterranean getaway awaits you this summer.
Read more⬇️
— Qatar Airways (@qatarairways) January 15, 2025
It was revealed by Qatar Airways that it will be resuming flights to Malta this year. Yes, from July 2 onwards, these flights will resume to with four weekly services to the Mediterranean getaway.
We hope you were able to keep up with these updates from the GCC region.
Cover Image Courtesy: Canva & X/GDRFADUBAI
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