Matterhorn Mountain In Switzerland Lights Up With Messages Of Hope Every Night


Picture Credits: BBC

Zermatt is a picturesque village located in the southern part of Switzerland, and it is home of one the most photogenic mountains of the world, the Matterhorn. Now, when the entire world is gripped by the pandemic scare, the Swiss authorities are illuminating the mountain peak every night to send messages of hope and positivity to the country people. Thanks to the internet, these beautiful messages can be viewed live by anybody residing in any part of the world. Scroll down to know more.

What Is It?

The snow-caped summit of the Matterhorn mountain in Switzerland is now lighting up with words of inspiration like ‘hope’, ‘stay home’ and ‘dream now travel later’, among many others. The light arts also include a heart symbol, the Italian flag and the Swiss flag. These illustrations are mostly in the combination of red and white and are created by the light artist, Gerry Hofstetter. The splashes are visible on the Alpine peak every night from sunset to 11 PM. One can enjoy its live streaming from the site

Picture Credits: Guia Viajar Melhor

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What Else?

The Swiss city, Lausanne has a 16th-century warning bell that’s rung only when the city is in the face of a crisis. The watchman rings the bell now for three minutes every hour from 10 PM to 2 AM to remind the city folks about the lockdown rules. Currently, Switzerland has over 25,600 confirmed cases and over 1130 deaths. Its neighbouring country Italy, too, is among those nations which have recorded the highest numbers of coronavirus deaths.

Picture Credits: Tampa Bay Times

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At this hour of plight, the invisible ‘essential’ that one highly needs is faith. It is the power of faith that can keep people mentally strong in their fight against the calamity. And these quotes are playing a great role in lifting up thousands of spirits worldwide. Kudos to such an amazing initiative by the Swiss authorities!

Suchismita Pal: The best trendsetters are the ones who find it first! Suchismita loves to roam around the nooks and crannies of the world through her laptop and present every beautiful picture in the form of words. With due respect to her Bengali roots, she is a die-hard foodie and has a special love for all things sweet. When in doubt, she prefers to escape to the mountains. Suchi loves to follow her heart and live every moment to the fullest.