Mumbai Local Trains To Get AC Coaches Soon

70 local trains will have AC coaches!

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Instead of separate AC trains, Mumbai locals will get its own AC coaches now. 

What Is It?

Although, Mumbai’s AC local is raging, we have some more good news for you! 70 local trains to get AC coaches too! After the launch of the AC local in Mumbai, the public has complained about the infrequency and high fares of the trains, but this should be a breath of relief.

Also read: Mumbai’s First AC Local Gets A Makeover!

With the merging of AC coaches with local trains, the fare hike and timings can be managed and that too without any complaints from the passengers. The project has already begun and will take nearly 12-15 months to be completed. You can expect this change by 2019.

Also read: Mumbai To Pune & Delhi To Amritsar Bullet Train To Start Soon

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Kritika Kukreja: Writer. Doctor. I love cheesecakes and singing by myself.