



Netflix Announces Price Changes In The UAE

by Jui Nikita
Netflix Announces Price Changes In The UAE

Under 140 Characters

Changes are effective immediately. All good news except for Premium four-screen users.

What Is It?

Noticed a change in your Netflix bill? Netflix has now started charging users in the UAE in dirhams instead of dollars to pay for the service. To make the experience more local only the currency change has taken place, however, customers will not see much difference in the prices. Phew, that’s a relief!

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What Else?

If you’re subscribed to the basic one-screen subscription, your monthly bill will now show a charge of AED 29 per month instead of $7.99 and standard two-screen viewers will now pay AED 39 instead of $9.99. However, Premium four-screen customers will be the only ones shelling out more as prices will go up to AED 56 from AED 44 ($11.99).

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First Published: September 02, 2018 1:33 PM