



New Dependent Visa Rule! Master’s Students In The UK Cannot Bring their Families

by Curly Tales Desk
New Dependent Visa Rule! Master’s Students In The UK Cannot Bring their Families

Pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Master’s degree abroad has become increasingly popular among individuals seeking to enhance their professional skills and expand their global network. It offers numerous advantages and can significantly boost one’s career prospects. However now, those moving to the United Kingdom (UK) might have difficulties as the country is gearing up to introduce changes in its immigration rules. Here’s more about the new UK Visa rules:

What Are The New UK Visa Plans?

UK Visa
image credits: Canva

Presently, the UK is set to introduce changes in its immigration rules. This might stop international students, including tens of thousands from India, from taking their families to the country with them. The norms will apply to overseas master’s students at British universities. However, the new rule will not affect foreign PhD students, whose training often lasts between three to five years.

According to the new UK visa rules, master’s students can bring their partners and children to the country with them. They can stay for 24 months after the students’ courses finish. This move comes at a time when the UK government is battling record-high migration to the UK. In order to bring the overall numbers down, this might be the move.

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As per the data by the Office for National Statistics, the net migration to the UK hit a record 504,000 between June 2021 and June 2022. This year’s figures will be released on Thursday and it is expected that it would touch one million. Authorities cite the increase in foreign students and their dependents as a reason for the skyrocketing migration numbers.

Rise Of Students Moving To The UK

UK Visa
image credits: Canva

Data shows that the dramatic increase in migration following COVID-19, which has increased by 81 per cent since 2019, was triggered by students. According to the Financial Times, students, particularly those from Nigeria and India, are increasingly likely to bring their families with them. In 2022, 135,788 visas will be issued to dependents, up from 16,047 in 2019.

The UK is renowned for its prestigious educational institutions and academic excellence. Universities such as the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, and Imperial College London consistently rank among the top universities globally. Students from around the world are drawn to the United Kingdom (UK) for master’s studies due to several compelling reasons.

What do you think of this new UK visa plan?

Cover image credits: Canva

First Published: May 24, 2023 12:35 PM