The soaring temperatures are always a cloud of worry for our UAE-ites when the summer arrives. Due to these heatwaves in Dubai and other Emirates, many attractions close down for Summer. And it’s harmful to step out in such rising temperatures. But this Nigerian woman residing in Dubai stepped out to show how hot it can get in Dubai. She literally posted a video of frying two eggs in a pan solely on the heat of the sun. No gas, nothing involved! Just the high temperatures are enough it seems!
Dubai Resident Fry Eggs Using Sun
People were shocked when a woman who lives in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, used sunlight to cook eggs. The woman claimed she did it sans using any kind of fuel or other cooking energy. She stated that she could achieve this only because the sun was obviously hot enough. She added some oil to the frying pan after bringing a bottle with it. Two eggs were then cracked into the pan and began to fry.
Also Read: Sip, Slurp & Beat The Dubai Heat With These Creamy Lassis
This Ain’t The First Time This Kind Off Video Went Viral
Dating back to 2017 a chef uploaded a post of frying eggs on the sidewalk using the summer heat in Dubai. Dubai is so hot that an egg may be cooked outside without a stove. How much is the temperature rising? An egg is cracked and cooked in a frying pan that has been left outside in the blazing heat for about 10 minutes in a video shared on Instagram by the well-known Arabic cuisine and lifestyle channel Fatafeat. As a result? Sunny side up, and an egg that is nicely done.
Despite the video’s assertion that the pan had only been outside for 10 minutes before the attempt, you can instantly see the egg whites beginning to fry. Many decided to put it to the test because everything appeared a little suspicious.
Many were even observed trying to cook eggs on the hood of their car.
If you google today, the temperature in Dubai shows 36 degrees Celsius. But the temperature easily goes to 48 in Summer making it unbearable to even step out during the day.
Cover Image Courtesy: TikTok/ Mercy_Gains1, Canva Stock Images