Unless you’re caught up in an island or amid the mountains, all that can define travel for you now is probably moving from the bedroom to the balcony or from the kitchen to the dining room. Quarantine days are too hard for travel buffs, we know. But instead of feeling sad, we can actually do something fun, and one of them can be recreating our travel moments. That’s what Liudas Dapkus, a Lithuanian journalist, suggested some days back on Facebook. Many people have responded to his idea and have actually posted their travel recreations on social media. We’ve curated the best of them out here.
1. A Norway Inside Home
Just look at this post of Alena Valeri. As she mentioned, the original photo on the left was taken on May 2019 at the Department of the Preacher (Prekestulen Cliff) in Norway. She recreated the second photo at her home on April 15, 2020. Same pose, same ensembles, just different locations!
2. From Jaipur To London
The lady in the post below had interacted with a monkey on her trip to Jaipur, India. And now, she has simply replaced the monkey with her little one. Hilarious but cute! The brown hoodie of the kid is making the two photos even similar.
3. Jumping Back To Brighton
Pink doughnuts, sorted! Pink tank top, sorted! Grey trousers, that’s sorted too. What remains is the background. And so Ágnes Drágus carefully picked up a background resembling the Brighton beach. Moment recreated perfectly! Did we miss out something? Oh, notice her sunglasses too.
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4. Feeling Greece, Feeling Great
Whoever has travelled to Santorini, Greece knows what heavenly beauty lies in that island. The place is nothing less than a paradise on earth. Now, this pretty lady in white gown is recreating her memories of the place. Both the backgrounds look stunning, don’t they?
5. Torch Lake Outside The Porch
These guys seem to have turned their quarantine into a staycation. How amazingly they have recreated their picture from the Torch Lake! The smiles on their faces say that they are super excited in trying to relive the old moments on these baby boats. Not just the boats, they have recreated the ropes too.
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Isn’t that a great way to pass time? So, switch on your phone camera or pull out your DSLR and start recreating your travel photos as well. Also, don’t forget to use the hashtag #quarantinetravelerchallenge when you post them on social media. Have a happy time recollecting your travel memories, peeps!