



Think Twice Before Visiting Sikkim, North Bengal As Acid Fly Attacks Spread Terror

by Suchismita Pal
Think Twice Before Visiting Sikkim, North Bengal As Acid Fly Attacks Spread Terror

Be cautious if you’re going to Sikkim or Darjeeling right now. Acid fly attacks are on a rise in these hilly regions now. Locals and students in North Bengal and Sikkim are getting stung by Nairobi flies or acid flies. The infected victims are developing horrifying skin lesions including blisters and scarring. The first instance of an acid fly attack in the Eastern Himalayan region was reported in Sikkim. The hazardous insects have now taken over several parts of North Bengal too creating fear and panic in the region. Recently, a case of acid fly attack was also reported in West Bengal’s Ashok Nagar area, located around 1.5 hours away from the Kolkata airport.

Acid Fly Attacks In Bengal And Sikkim: How Are They Harmful?

Acid flies or Nairobi flies release a toxin called pederin when they come in contact with the human skin. This can cause burns or painful blisters on the skin. According to an Indian Express report, precautionary measures have also been issued in Darjeeling. People had been recommended to wear clothes that fully cover their hands and feet. They have been advised not to step out of their houses in the evening and use mosquito nets and dim lights.


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The Infection Has Reached North 24 Parganas Near Kolkata Too

As per reports, the insects have attacked nearly 100 students at Siliguri’s North Bengal University. Not only in North Bengal, a case of the insect bite got recorded in West Bengal’s North 24 Parganas too. Digital creator Nihar Bagchi, popularly known as Manchu Dada, got blisters under his eyes after getting attacked by the bug, as reported by local news portal Ei Samay. Nairobi flies are usually black and orangish-brown or blue and brown in colour.

Picture Credits: Ei Samay

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Experts advise not to stay under lights after sunset to avoid being bitten by the bugs. It is also advised not to thrash them if they accidentally sit on the skin. They must be carefully blown away or brushed off. And if you happen to touch the insect by any chance, do not touch your eyes right after that as the acid can have detrimental effects on the eyes.

In case of an acid fly attack, the affected area needs to be washed off immediately, followed by medical help.

First Published: July 11, 2022 1:01 PM