This ‘Death Pool’ Takes Life Of Anything That Swims Into It

Death Pool

Millions and millions of years of existence, yet the Earth amazes us with bizarre discoveries and details. Recently, a team of scientists made one such discovery that will make you keener to reading up on unusual secrets here on earth. This team from the University of Miami found a brine pool at the bottom of the Red Sea. They said that any creature which flows to this brine pool gets instantly killed and doesn’t survive. Whether a human or a sea creature, the brine pool will only be lethal for any living creature.

Death Pool – What Are Brine Pools?

When scientists say brine pools, it means that pool contains a high amount of salt in it. It has no oxygen content in it. They also contain other poisonous chemicals like hydrogen sulphide. As per reports, the brine pools have saline levels which are seven to eight times higher than the normal seawater.

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How Did They Discover The Dangerous Death Pool?

The University Of Miami team discovered the lethal brine pool by driving an underwater vehicle. The pool sits at a depth of 1,770 metres in the Red Sea. Experts are also saying that although creatures die once inside the pool, brine pools also act as preservatives. Reportedly, a dead crab inside the brine pool was still intact. One of the researchers, Sam Purkis added that this sort of discovery leads to humans’ understanding that there is the possibility of life on other planets too. Moreover, this might additionally help scientists find how oceans were formed millions and millions of years ago, Purkis said.

This death pool might prove lethal for creatures, but it will also help scientists understand how these brine pools have preserving effects on creatures and are super rich in biodiversity.

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