



Update Your Emirates ID Before Your ATM Card Stops Working

by Vaishnavi Venkataraman
Update Your Emirates ID Before Your ATM Card Stops Working

Under 140 Characters

Banks in the UAE are urging customers to update their Emirates ID details by 15 February. If not, your ATM card might stop working.

What’s It?

Do you always ignore mails from your banker? Maybe you shouldn’t. Check your inbox and there surely will be a notification from your bank with the subject stating ‘Emirates ID Update’. Here’s what it means.

Banks in the UAE have urged customers to update their Emirates ID details as early as possible. The cut-off date given by the Central Bank’s directives is 15 February. The official cut-off time given by the authority is 28 February, however. In case you fail to update your details by the above the mentioned date, your ATM card will stop working.

Credits: Pixabay.com
Credits: Pixabay.com

And updating the details is easy too. Here’s how you can update your Emirates ID details:

  1. Bank’s website
  2. 2- Emailing the bank a photocopy of the ID
  3. 3- Mobile banking
  4. 4- ATM machine
  5. 5- Customer service centres

Also, you may want to know that it may take up to 10 working days for the changes to reflect in case you are updating the details via the bank’s website. However, ATM’s will reflect changes immediately.

Meanwhile, The Central Bank clarified that no additional charges or fines will be imposed on customers in case a temporary hold has been placed on the account.

What Else?

Cards for the spouse or children in the client’s name will also be affected by the pre-emptive deadline.

First Published: February 12, 2019 5:48 PM