Watch: Three Whales Leap In Sync; Epic Moment Caught On Cam

three whales

It is universally agreed upon that nature holds a sublime power and it can stun and awe us at one go. This video has managed to do something similar to all those who watch it. It is a rare moment of beauty that was incidentally captured on camera. The video shows not one, not two, but three gigantic whales leaping out of the water in synchronicity! The video has wowed the Internet and simply cannot get over it.

Video Of Three Whales Leaping In Sync Goes Viral

Nature, especially large sea creatures, is stunning to behold. Any whale-human interaction in the wild is loved by the Netizens and there are many videos on the Internet showcasing the same. However, none can rival this recent video that has gone viral.

It showcases not one or two, but three giant humpback whales leaping out of water in a synchronised manner. It only lasts for a brief moment but is absolutely stunning. It is reminiscent of synchronised dance performance.

Many people on the Internet have rightly dubbed it an aquatic ballet performance. The video was shot on the 24th of July by Robert Addie. The video was taken in New Hampshire while he celebrating his birthday on the ocean along with his daughters. Talk about a fantastic birthday gift!

Also Read: Australia: Nearly 100 Pilot Whales Stranded On The Beach, Over 50 Died Later. Video Surfaces

Video Goes Viral

Image Credits: Robert Addie/Facebook

Robert Addie shared the video on his Facebook account and since then, it has gone viral. And why wouldn’t it go viral? People are stunned by its beauty and cannot stop watching it over and over again. Spotting just one whale in the ocean sounds thrilling but getting to witness such a moment is beyond amazing.

According to an article recently published by India Today, Addie is a resident of Portsmouth and now is a home remodeler. Prior to that, he spent decades on the water as a commercial fisherman. Despite his years of experience, he stated that he had never witnessed anything like it before.

We’re sure that his birthday, owing to this stunning happenstance, would be a memorable one!

Also Read: Qatar To Host One Of The World’s Largest Congregations Of Whale Sharks. Bookings Are Open!

Have you seen anything like this in your life? Let us know in the comments below!

Cover Image Credits: Robert Addie/Facebook

Tooba Shaikh: Runs on chai. Excels at cracking lame puns. Likes to think she is funny but people around her disagree. Loves wasting time and hates writing about herself.