



You Can Now Adopt Animals At Bangalore’s Bannerghatta Biological Park

by Sanjana Shenoy
You Can Now Adopt Animals At Bangalore’s Bannerghatta Biological Park

Animals, the majestic part of our earth has been a source of love, affection, and been a part of your family for ages. Since the first men who tamed the wolves to the unique pets we see with people around the world, animals, and humans have shared a bond that goes beyond words. Now, Bangalore’s Bannerghatta Biological Park is giving each one of us a chance to help conserve wildlife by adopting the animals in the zoo. And before you wonder, you cannot take them home!

Adopt animals at Bangalore's Bannerghatta Biological Park
Picture Credits: karnataka.com

What’s In It?

The Bangalore’s Bannerghatta Biological Park (BBP) who have come out with a program during the lockdown period for those looking for an opportunity to conserve wildlife and adopt animals at the zoo. Certain privileges such as gift vouchers for zoo visits and display of name in the adoption board would be extended for adopting an animal, depending upon the adoption amount. The zoo officials have added that “The animal adoption program is an opportunity for you to get involved in supporting feed and veterinary care expenses for zoo animals with provision for Income Tax rebate under 80G. There are 21 elephants which can be adopted online!”

Picture Credits: flickr.com

Animals You Can Adopt

The BBP has released a list of animals that can be adopted along with annual rates for adoption.

King cobra and Indian rock python for ₹3,500
Jungle cat and Assamese Macaque for ₹5,000,
Blackbuck and sambar will cost you ₹7,500
Emu ₹10,000,
Spot-billed Pelican ₹15,000,
Golden jackal ₹20,000,
Indian leopard, Sloth bear ₹35,000,
Zebra ₹50,000,
Hippopotamus ₹75,000,
Bengal tiger and Giraffe for a flat ₹ 1 lakh,
Asiatic Elephant for ₹1,75,000 among others.

For Complete Animal Adoption List Click Here 

The Executive Director of the government-run BBP, Vanashree Vipin Singh told news agency PTI, “The purpose of the adoption program is to create awareness and connect with people involved in conservation activities, not just generating revenues,”

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What’s More?

The zoo has been closed since the middle of March following lockdown declared in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. It received a record of 23,000 people on a single day on January 1 this year. The animal adoption initiative is part of the BBP’s outreach program as people are not able to visit the zoo due to the lockdown. At other times, interested people sign up to adopt animals during their visits to the zoo, she said. You can Learn Social Distancing From 8 Animals

Picture Credits: nearfox.com

Vanashree pointed out that post the lockdown, the zoo would not be opened immediately. BBP would study the situation, put in place social distancing, disinfectants, and hygiene protocols in place, among others, before taking a call to throw open the zoo for the public. It would come out with a dos and dont’s list, and a revised strategy in terms of admission capacity and related things. But till then, we urge all of you to lend out a helping hand and adopt animals in the Bannerghatta Biological Park, this will help conserve wildlife during this time of need, as we are not the only ones suffering.

To Adopt Animals Click Here 

First Published: May 06, 2020 1:25 PM