



You Could Get Paid To Explore Christmas Markets In Europe

by Pratiksha
You Could Get Paid To Explore Christmas Markets In Europe

Contrary to popular belief, winter is a great time to be in Europe. Even though it’s bitter cold, it is also a time for festive cheer in the European continent because, duh, it’s Christmas time. And in Europe, that translates to magnificent Christmas markets. Now, these Christmas markets are a glorious affair because you will find everything from a rendition of the Nativity scene to Christmas treats and goodies here. The atmosphere is absolutely infectious and one that you need to experience at least once in your life. Luckily for you, European tour company, Civitas will pay you to explore these Christmas markets.

Christmas markets
Image credits: Stay City

Get Paid To Experience The Christmas Markets In Europe

Civitas has come up with an all-new job which you could get recruited for. Your job role would be that of a European Christmas Market Tester. Coming to what you’ll have to do should you be chosen, you will get to visit the prettiest Christmas markets in and around Europe. The chosen candidate will get the chance of a lifetime to visit the most popular Christmas Markets in Prague, Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava. Once you have toured all these markets, you will have to give a detailed report about your experiences there.

Christmas markets
Image credits: Prague Experience

Also Read: Head To These Christmas Markets In Delhi For Food, Carols And Festive Feels!

Here’s why you should be excited. If you do get selected to be the tester, all your travel and accommodation will be taken care of by Civitas. The tour that is due to start on the 16th of December will be a 4-day long affair and will conclude on the 20th of December. The candidate will also be awarded an amount of €200 for taking out the time to go on the 4-day long tour of the markets.

According to the itinerary, the trip will start at the annually held Christmas market in Prague which takes place in the Old Town Square. From there, the candidate will proceed to the Christmas market in Vienna which is held at the Belvedere Palace. And from there it’s onwards to the Bratislava Christmas market. To end the trip, the candidate will go to Hungary to revel at the Budapest Christmas Fair.

Christmas markets
Image credits: Euro Viajar

This is most definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so we say, grab it before someone else does.

First Published: December 09, 2019 10:08 PM