



You Don’t Need A Knife To Cut Onions Anymore! Slice In Seconds Using This Viral Hack

by Shreya Ghosh
You Don’t Need A Knife To Cut Onions Anymore! Slice In Seconds Using This Viral Hack

Cutting onions is a major task. It seems like onion is the most difficult vegetable to chop or slice. From the pungent smell irritating us to all the crying, our eyes end up burning while cutting this vegetable. No matter if you soak the onions for some time or cut them with a knife, the experience is going to be exactly the same. What if you can cut these as soon as possible and get rid of all these problems? Well, we might have just found a useful viral trick!

Cutting Onions Has Never Been Easier!

Today Years Old (@todayyearsoldig) took to the social media platform X to share this amazing hack to chop and slice this vegetable and we cannot wait to try this. You won’t need a knife or a vegetable chopper for that matter. And you can conveniently slice onions very soon and complete one of the major tasks of the day.

Also read: No Seeds, No Mess In The Kitchen! Now, Cut Bell Peppers In A Jiffy With This Cool Hack

The video shows us how to use just a fork and a peeler to slice onions in just a few minutes. Begin the process by removing the peels properly. The next step is to turn the fork upside down and insert it inside the onion. Make sure to place it on a surface nicely and tightly so that the onion does not move. Take the peeler in the other hand and start slicing onions with small strokes. And that’s how you can easily get onion slices without crying for 10-15 minutes.

A small tip: Make sure that you are using a sharp peeler. It looks like this viral trick will work best by using a sharp vegetable peeler.

Netizens Have The Funniest Reactions On This Slicing Hack!

The video is going viral on social media like crazy! Shared on 24 August, it has already garnered about 18 million views with 150K likes. Internet users are kind of surprised and stunned to see this amazing hack. This hack can surely help millions each and every single day.

Also read: Unable To Remove Cracked Egg Shells From The Bowl? Chef Kunal Kapoor Has An “Egg-Tastic” Hack

It’s time to bid goodbye to all the hassles of slicing onions. Will you give this hack a try?

Cover Image Courtesy: Canva

First Published: August 25, 2023 7:09 PM