Your Rejected Visa Applications Helped UK & Schengen Countries Make $200 Million; Data

rejected visa application

Settling abroad, either in Schengen countries, the United Kingdom, or Canada has almost become a trend in India. Almost every other person you know is either planning to go abroad or has already gone there. However, there are many whose visa applications don’t make the cut. Recently, data revealed that Schengen countries as well as the UK make millions of dollars on rejected visa applications alone. This is bad, especially for low-income countries.

Rejected Visa Applications Help Countries Make Millions

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According to an article which was recently published by Firstpost, the total amount generated by rejected applications to the UK and the Schengen countries is close to $200 million! This number is mainly generated by what is being dubbed “reverse remittance.”

As per data provided by EU Observer, the European Union made around $139 million from the application fees of the rejected visas alone last year. The UK, too, made as much as $56 million in 2023 just from rejected visa applications.

Application fees to the countries are mainly non-refundable. Hence, visa applicants who are rejected have to pay the cost and get little to no benefit in return.

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Why This Is Worse For Low-Income Countries

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As per an official from Lago Collective, low- and middle-income countries make up a majority of the rejected visa applicants. These applicants primarily belong to Asian and African countries. In the larger scheme of things, this process basically funnels money from the poorer countries to the rich ones.

In 2024, the application fees to travel to the EU are increasing. From yesterday onwards, the fees increased from €80 to €90 per person above 12 years. For kids between the ages of six and 11, the fees increased from €40 to €45.

Many people state that the reasons for rejecting visas are often vague and unclear. Even when applicants re-apply having fixed earlier issues, new reasons for rejection are given.

Also Read: Planning To Go To Greece For A Honeymoon? From Cost To Time Taken, All About The Schengen Visa Process

Have you applied to the UK or any of the Schengen Countries? Has your Visa application been rejected? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Tooba Shaikh: Runs on chai. Excels at cracking lame puns. Likes to think she is funny but people around her disagree. Loves wasting time and hates writing about herself.