



IRCTC To Give Its Website A Makeover!

by Kritika Kukreja
IRCTC To Give Its Website A Makeover!

Under 140 Characters

Now train bookings via the IRCTC website to become a whole lot easier because it’s going to undergo a makeover!

What Is It?

From the next week, IRCTC website will be given a makeover! Since its the largest platform for e-commerce in the country, the government decided to make online ticket booking a whole lot easier and user-friendly. In the new design, the user won’t need log-in creditionals to access the trains, which creates smoother transition through the website. 

Also read: IRCTC Launches All New Luxurious Coaches For The Indian Traveller

What Else?

Another feature to be introduced is the ‘probability of confirmation’, which basically means if you’re booking the ticket in the wait-list, you will be given a percentage of confirmation to help you to decide whether to book or not. Along with that, more filters to provide the departure/arrival time, quotas, class and train to be introduced as well. 

Also read: Unable To Travel? You Can Now Transfer Your IRCTC Ticket To Someone Else

Image By Indian Express

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First Published: May 31, 2018 2:45 PM