8 Food Items Rich In Vitamin D To Add To Your Diet

vitamin d food

Vitamin D is an important compound required by the human animal. It helps in the absorption of important nutrients like calcium, phosphate, magnesium, etc. It can also help fortify your bones. One of the ways in which you can get Vitamin D is through sunlight. Looks like Jadoo isn’t the only one who needs Dhoop for his powers! But unfortunately, modern life has most of us trapped indoors most of the time. Hence, here’s a list of food items that are rich in Vitamin D.

Food Items Rich In Vitamin D

1. Salmon

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According to the United States Department of Agriculture or USDA, Salmon is an excellent source of protein. The fatty fish comes in two varieties, farmed and wild. It is said that the wild variety contains more vitamin D than the farmed ones. 100 gram of salmon contains 526 International Units or IUs of Vitamin D.

2. Mushrooms

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If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, there are limited options for good sources of protein. Mushrooms are one of them. While each type of mushroom differs in the nutrients they contain, the ones that are exposed to Ulta-Violet rays have the maximum amount of protein.

3. Ricotta Cheese

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Another great source of Vitamin D for vegetarians, Ricotta Cheese has the highest amount of naturally occurring Vitamin D. 100 grams of ricotta cheese contains 10 IUs of Vitamin D.

4. Beef Liver

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If you’re not a hardcore non-vegetarian, chances are that this food item might not seem especially appealing. While it is an acquired taste, it is rich in nutrients like iron and protein in addition to Vitamin D. It has 50 IUs of Vitamin D.

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5. Egg Yolk

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It’s time we acknowledged eggs as superior food items. Not only are they extremely delicious and nutritious, but they are also very versatile and equally easy to make. In addition to containing a plethora of nutrients, egg yolks are an excellent source of protein. Raw egg yolk contains about 218 IUs of Vitamin D.

6. Soy Products

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Soy products are a great option for vegans. Items like soya chunks, tofu, soy milk, etc. can be great sources of plant-based Vitamin D.

7. Swordfish

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Another excellent source of Vitamin D is Swordfish. With a whopping 666 IUs of Vitamin D per 100 grams, it is excellent for your bone density. It is also high in selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids.

8. Tuna

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Clearly, seafood is the way to go when it comes to increasing your intake of Vitamin D. A 100 grams of yellowfin tuna contains 82 IUs of Vitamin D.

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Is there any item we missed? What list would you like us to compile next? Let us know in the comments.

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Tooba Shaikh: Runs on chai. Excels at cracking lame puns. Likes to think she is funny but people around her disagree. Loves wasting time and hates writing about herself.