According to A Recent Study, Indians Drink Record Breaking Amount Of Whiskey

According to a study, whiskey is drunk most by Indians in the world. We consume 1.5 billion litres of whiskey every year. Whiskey consumed smartly might also be healthy.

Credits: The Asian Age

Whether its a family get together or a crazy party, alcohol definitely makes its presence felt even if you are a non-drinker. That friend who will just drink up an unhealthy amount of shots and regret it the next day, the loner by the wall leching at other women with a drink in his hand at all times, or the loud uncle/aunty dancing it out making you gulp your drink faster so that you don’t remember this horrific scene later. But did you know what alcohol we Indians seem to guzzle down barrels of? And that too way more than the entire world? It’s Whiskey, says a recent study conducted by Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

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The Study
This study was undertaken by the Bank of America Merrill Lynch who released the astounding results that the country consuming the most amount of the alcohol Whiskey is India. How much you ask? A whopping 1.5 BILLION litres of whiskey EVERY year. No kidding. That could also possibly be half of the entire whiskey production of the world! Crazy right?

Should You Drink It?
Well, not a lot all at once for sure! But some reports do suggest that consuming whiskey in small, moderate amounts can be healthier for the body as it makes you want to consume lesser sugar in your diet. But does that mean you should let loose and drink up the unsavoury liquid? We think not!

Our Take
We guess the song rum-rum whiskey was not just a fluke. But that doesn’t mean you fall into a whiskey-induced coma people. Know your limits and definitely follow the rules, no drunk driving. Tell that to the drunk uncle who will insist on driving no matter what also.

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