



Follow These Tips This Karwa Chauth To Not Feel Hungry Or Get H-angry!

by Kanika Sharma
Follow These Tips This Karwa Chauth To Not Feel Hungry Or Get H-angry!

It is that time of the year again, when married women keep fasts for their husband’s well being and health. Karwa Chauth is a tradition that many have learnt to embrace in their own way. While some continue to follow it quite religiously, others have found their way around it. It’s beautiful to see how the husbands are so supportive of their partners during this time. In fact, some of them end up fasting as well, and then have the first meal of the day with their loved one.

However, there is one thing common between every woman celebrating Karwa Chauth, and that is fighting hunger pangs! The moon-rise today is expected to be at 20:18, and to get you through until then, we have some tips for you to distract yourself so that you don’t feel hungry.

1. Shop, But Not Until You Drop

Karwa Chauth
Picture Credit: Pixabay

As part of the tradition (read: excuse), the husband is suppose to buy a gift for the wife. What could be a better day than today? Research suggests, that the best way to make it through fasting is to distract yourself and do something that you really like to do. And what could be better than shopping, when the budgets are limitless. Step into a mall, so that you don’t get dehydrated too soon and take your time.

2. How About A Matinee?

Karwa Chauth

Some of you must have taken the day off, or are housewives; but it is quite rare to go for a movie  show in the afternoon on a weekday right? So, why not go for it? Can be with your friends or your husband, and that takes care of a long part of the day.

Also read: Karwa Chauth 2019: Post Vrat Dinner Ideas And Restaurants In Mumbai

3. Indulge In House-Hold Chores

Picture Credit: Pixabay

A recent study revealed that activities like gardening and organising old cupboards, drawers, help calm the nerves. You can maybe head to  nursery, pot a plant, open that drawer that you have been avoiding to clean for a while now, and viola! Patience and a calm state of mind will help you to not worry about meal-timings

4. Catch Up With Friends

Karwa Chauth
Picture Credit: Pixabay

It is believed that social gatherings and catching up with close friends, often makes you lose track of time. Well… that’s no surprise is it? Make those calls or head out to a friend’s house, and make the most of the day. We wouldn’t suggest going to a cafe, because the aroma might make you feel hungry, so stay home and be at ease with your best buddy.

5. Turn Into Sleeping Beauty For A Day

Picture Credit: Pixabay

The day starts early on Karwa Chauth. One has to wake up early to have the sargi and then make it through the day to until the moon is visible. How about taking a mid-day nap? Research suggests that it is crucial to complete your sleep cycle or make sure that you have a sound sleep in order to maintain a healthy body and mind. From two hours to four, don’t set an alarm and go to sleep. Turn into our favourite Disney Princess.  Bippity boppity boo!

Also read: Here Are Best Weekend Getaways To Make Your First Karva Chauth Extra Special

6. Hit The Road

Karwa Chauth
Picture Credit: Pixabay

What’s the best way to get away from the kitchen, and the cool cafes? A road trip! Get into the car, and just head out for a drive. Queue your favourite songs, turn up the volume and drive on the empty roads. Head to a nearby place, so that the journey isn’t too tiring. We suggest you don’t drive because that can be quite exhausting as well. So let your husband do that, while you can sit in the back seat and relax!

7. Make Sure You Meditate

Picture Credit: Unsplash

There is nothing more calming than a good session of meditation. With the busy routine and on-going hustle, it is very difficult to find time and take a moment to just breathe easy. So, do just that. Research suggests that a concentrated meditating session can make a lot of difference with respect to level of patience and calming nerves. While you might be hungry, there is a very low possibility that you will be H-ANGRY!

Also read: Karwa Chauth 2019: Post Vrat Dinner Ideas And Restaurants In Bangalore

8. Binge Watch Your Favourite Series

Karwa Chauth
Picture Credit: Unsplash

Get a bean bag, get a remote, place it strategically in front of the television and don’t get up until you finish the season. Engrossing series of episodes or murder mysteries, is just what you need today.

So ladies, consider any of these options and today will be easy-breezy!

First Published: November 03, 2020 4:53 PM