The world is changing and for good. In a society where transgenders are often looked down upon, the Chhattisgarh police are setting a great example. The state’s police recruited 13 transgender people as constables in four districts after the announcement of the Chhattisgarh Constable Recruitment examination results for 2019-20.
Chhattisgarh Police Recruited Transgenders For The First Time
Chattishgarh police recruited transgender people as constables for the first time challenging the stereotypes and norms of the society. Until now, there was only two transgender police personnel in India — one in Tamil Nadu, another in Rajasthan. Uttar Pradesh Gets State’s First Public Toilet For Transgenders In Varanasi.
Bihar Government To Recruit Transgenders In Police Force
Following the footsteps of Chattishgarh, the Bihar government has also decided to recruit transgenders in the police force. The recruited constables said that they worked hard for the exam and are extremely elated with the results. The police department is leading the path for acceptance of transgenders in society.
Also read: IRCTC Offers 40% Concessions To Transgender Senior Citizen
In a first, the Chhattisgarh police recruited 13 transgender people as constables in four districts of the state, a senior police official said
(@riteshmishraht reports)
— Hindustan Times (@htTweets) March 1, 2021
Supreme Court Recognises Transgender As Third Gender
The Supreme Court recognised the transgender community as a third gender in 2014 along with males and females. They also declared that the community had the equal privilege over the fundamental rights in the Constitution. In 2017, the Chhattisgarh police decided to include the third gender in their recruitment exam.
Also read: Restaurant Run By Transgenders In Coimbatore Becomes So Successful That Another One Is Opening Soon
Out of 2038 constables recruited in the state, 1736 were male, 289 females, and 13 transgenders. We would like to see more transgenders in service of society.
First Published: March 02, 2021 12:47 PM