Cochin Airport To Get One Of The Largest Floating Solar Power Plants In Kerala

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Cochin is one of the most beautiful cities in India. We told you about the floating resort in Kochi with below water level rooms. Now Kochi’s airport is all set to get floating solar power plants, one of the biggest in Kerala Kerala. CIAL which operates the world’s first airport fully powered by solar energy, Sunday commissioned one of Kerala’s most giant floating solar power plants.

Also read: Take A Glimpse Inside Mumbai’s Solar Powered Masjid

The Power Plants Produce More Power Than The Airport’s Consumption

With this floating solar plant, running at 452 KWh, the airport’s total installed capacity has become 40 MWp. The solar plant will help the airport produce around 1.60 lakh units of power a day against its daily consumption which stands at approximately 1.30 lakh units. The initiative will sustain the airport to control its activities using green energy.

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Cost-Effective, High-Density Floats Installed

CIAL has introduced cost-effective high-density floats; using French technology. Aout 1300 photovoltaic panels were mounted and laid over two artificial lakes located in the CIAL golf course. The plants covering one acre are connected to the Kerala State Electricity Board power grid. The power grid would be banked when needed. Kochi To Get Water Metro Connecting The Suburbs To The Mainland By Jan 2021.

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Solar Panels Using Sustainability Management

CIAL successfully executed total sustainability management in its golf course. Here treated water from the sewage treatment plant of the airport is used for water harvesting with 12 artificial lakes. They then use the water from these lakes for irrigating the golf course lawns.

For Representational Purposes

Typically, the floating power plant’s installation costs three times more than that of the ground-mounted one. But with the novel French technology, it could bring down the cost.

Tania Tarafdar: Tania has an unhealthy love for period dramas and a lot of opinions. But the heart wants what it wants. She and yoga are in an eternal relationship. You can see her breaking into yoga asanas in the snow-capped Alps and the Mediterranean Sea coastline. Her friends swear by her food and travel recommendations. Follow her on Instagram @cheer24*7 or