Our world has completely changed, suddenly come to a standstill. It is as if the electricity has gone off. Many people have been assuring us these days that “we are all in it together.” Really? And while the virus does not discriminate among Hollywood celebrities, politicians, millionaires, or the underprivileged, the worst hit are the poor and the daily wage earners who do not have the option of working from home. Sat home, stay safe? What about the grossly inadequate housing? Where should they go if they are infected with the virus? The citizens of this country are making sure that they reach out to those in need with all the essentials.
A Halwai From Delhi Offered Help With His Limited Resources
Even those with limited resources are leaving no stone unturned to help those in need. Sandeep Sharma, a halwai from Delhi’s Delhi’s Sitaram Bazaar, is the true example of a real-life hero who has won hearts recently by offering food to underprivileged COVID patients. Journalist Praveen Swami took to Twitter to share a note of Sandeep which showed the total estimation of the food he is planning to give around 250 poor COVID patients.
Many Good Samaritans Are Stepping Up To Provide Food & Medicines
Many good Samaritans are stepping up to provide the underprivileged with food and water. As India battles the deadly second wave and as the coronavirus pandemic shows no signs of slowing down, it is the people of the country who are stepping up to help those in need. The healthcare system has been facing challenges like never before, but amid all the gloom, people throughout the country are showing us their human side by helping those who are affected by COVID-19. Bengaluru Residents Turn COVID Warriors By Delivering Home-Made Food To Infected Patients.
The halwai was willing to bear any cost to serve free food to those in need. Sandeep’s help is just a drop in the ocean. Let us all step up and do our bit in helping the residents of this country, many of whom are gasping for breath right now.