KK Got Cardiac Arrest Due To High Excitement During Concert, Confirms Doctor

Picture Credits: Facebook

Talented singer Krishnakumar Kunnath aka KK passed away in Kolkata on May 31, shortly after his live performance at Nazrul Mancha theatre. The 53-year-old singer’s death is been mourned by people from not just in India but across the world. His evergreen song has left a long-lasting impact on 90s kids who find it to be a personal loss. A doctor who conducted the autopsy stated to PTI that KK got a cardiac arrest due to high excitement during the concert. Read on to know more.

KK Had Blockages In Arteries

The doctor who conducted the autopsy revealed to PTI that KK had major blockages in the left main coronary artery. He had smaller blockages in sub arteries and other arteries. The excitement during the live show led to a stoppage in blood flow. So, KK, unfortunately, got a cardiac arrest that claimed his life. Reports suggest that the actor collapsed in the lobby after returning back to the hotel. He was immediately taken to the hospital, where doctors declared the singer dead.

Also Read: Artists Complained About Suffocation Inside Nazrul Mancha Even Before KK Incident, Writes Netizen

Also Read: KK Songs That Will Remain On Our Travel Playlist

Local Sources Say He Was Sick In Between Concert

Since the 53-year-old singer’s death many people at the concert have blamed the mismanagement at Nazrul Mancha for playing a role in his death. The AC’s weren’t working. There was a lack of air circulation. And more than 6000 people thronged Nazrul Mancha when the capacity was just 2000. Local sources in Kolkata also stated that KK fell after around 13 songs. But he was requested to perform the songs due to pressure from the audience. He sang 20 songs at the concert.

Also Read: College Fests Might Be Banned At Kolkata’s Nazrul Mancha After KK Incident

Also Read: Fan Shares Video Of Spraying Fire Extinguisher At Nazrul Manch That Might Have Suffocated KK

BJP Leader Says KK Wasn’t Permitted To Leave Concert Despite Sickness

Kolkata BJP leader Dilip Ghosh also stated that the singer complained of uneasiness and wanted to leave. But he wasn’t allowed. He further alleged that KK was murdered. TMC’s Kunal Ghosh refuted these claims and said that it’s BJP’s culture to engage in cheap and dirty politics. The celebrity manager of the event clarified that the artist didn’t mention that he was sick throughout his performance. He just reached his hotel’s lobby and collapsed.

Sanjana Shenoy: Content, Coffee and Cats these are a few of Sanjana's favourite things. Born in Baroda, brought up in Kuwait, settled in Bangalore, travel and food is her blood, bread and butter. When she isn't brewing delicious, wanderlust content, she's busy planning the smatter of restaurants she'd visit over the weekend.