



Koalas Are Finally Returning To The Wild After The Ravaging Australian Bushfires

by Gizel Menezes
Koalas Are Finally Returning To The Wild After The Ravaging Australian Bushfires

While waking up to horrifying news every day has certainly become a norm now, here is a tiny sliver of good news to brighten your day! Koalas that were injured and rescued during the ravaging Australian bushfires are finally returning back to the homes!

Image Courtesy: Independent

Rescued Koalas Are Finally Returning To Their Homes

The marsupials, who have been in the care of animal hospitals ever since they were rescued, are finally being released in to the wild, and in some cases, even to the trees where they were rescued from.

The first of these cuties were released by Sydney-based conservation organisation, Science for Wildlife, after careful assessment of the area they were rescued from. These koalas will now be radio-tracked to ensure that they’re settling in well.

Even the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, which took in about 79 koalas affected by the bushfire, has released its healed koalas into Lake Innes Nature Reserve and Crowdy Bay National Park.

Anwen, the four-year-old koala, whose picture went viral on the internet, and who was the first female koala to be admitted in the hospital during the bushfires, has healed and has been released into the wild.

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Image Courtesy: Koala Geek

The Rains Have Significantly Helped The Koalas To Return Back To The Forests

The Lake Innes area was severely damaged by the bush fires, but high amounts of rainfall in the region have helped the area to cool off, thereby allowing the koalas to return home. The growth of leaves due to the rainfall will also help the koalas to feed themselves. Did you know that an adult koala eats between 200 and 500 grams of leaves each day, mainly eucalyptus leaves?

An estimated 1 billion animals were killed during the Australian bushfires, which lasted for 79 days, raging through forests. Majority of the animals, including koalas, were severely injured with burns and dehydration.

But these survivors are now returning to back to their homes, and there is nothing as hopeful as this!

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First Published: May 11, 2020 3:44 PM