



Lockdown Recipe Ep 6: Learn To Make A Sangria Under One Minute

by Sanjana Shenoy
Lockdown Recipe Ep 6: Learn To Make A Sangria Under One Minute

If you’d ever ask me my all-time favourite cocktail, I’d have to say Sangria! The alcoholic beverage popular in Spain, Greece and England really packs a punch. Prepared traditionally from red wine, chopped fruits with an assortment of other ingredients, its rouge hue stands true by its meaning, blood. Sangria is a refreshing summer drink that has a sweet and fruity taste. So for all you cocktails fans, we have here #LockdownRecipe of Sangria and here’s how you can make it under a minute.

#LockdownRecipe Sangria


Red Wine
Orange Juice
Fresh Fruits- Orange And Apple


To prepare a refreshing glass of Sangria, first cut the orange into round slices and put it inside a fancy glass. Then, chop the apple into large thin round pieces and put them also inside the glass. After the orange and apple slices, add the grapes. Pour some orange juice in the fancy glass with cut fruits. Now here comes the real deal! Measure 30ml of rum and pour it in the glass. Then add oodles of red wine to the mixture. Finally, pour a little bit of sprite to give it a nice fizzy taste. Stir it well and there you have it, a refreshing glass of Sangria for a warm summer day. Here ‘s another #LockdownRecipe And This Is How You Can Make Caprioska Under A Minute

First Published: May 11, 2020 1:04 PM