



Lockdown Recipe Ep 4: Make A Chocolate Mug Cake In Less Than 10 Minutes

by Kanika Sharma
Lockdown Recipe Ep 4: Make A Chocolate Mug Cake In Less Than 10 Minutes

If there is one thing that most of us trying out during lockdown, is cooking! And what could be better than some simple recipes to keep you busy. Right? So, we, at Curly Tales, are sharing some easy lockdown recipes with you all that you can try at home. So here’s how you can bake a chocolate cake in a mug that wouldn’t take more than 10 minutes of your time. And if you want to bake a full-fledged chocolate cake, then we have a recipe for that as well. 


3 tablespoons flour 

3 tablespoons sugar

3 tablespoons cocoa powder

4-5 tablespoons milk

3-4 tablespoons oil

1/2 a teaspoon baking powder 

2 drops of vanilla essence


Put all the ingredients in a mug that can be used in the microwave. Mix it well, until the batter is all thick and fluffy. This is an eggless recipe. If you want, you can add a medium sized egg to it too.

You then put it in the microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. The microwave should be set on a combination mode, for good results.

Also read: This Is How You Can Make Bread Rasmalai At Home

And VIOLA!! You will have a delicious chocolate mug cake ready for you in less than 10 minutes! If you want, you can drizzle some chocolate sauce on top of it or have it with vanilla ice cream.

First Published: April 22, 2020 3:23 PM