



Lucknow To Install Smart Camera’s To Read Women’s Troubled Expressions & Alert Police

by Tania Tarafdar
Lucknow To Install Smart Camera’s To Read Women’s Troubled Expressions & Alert Police

Women have continuously been subjected to eve-teasing and unwarranted behaviour by men in public places. Given the cases of rapes happening around the country every single day, women are always in danger. While the police have been leaving no stone unturned to ensure public places are safe for women, the Lucknow Police are taking things a notch higher by installing AI-enabled cameras across public areas in the city. The cameras will scan the facial expressions to women who may be subjected to eve-teasing and ‘alert’ the nearest police control room.

The AI-Installed Cameras Will Click Pictures Of Women In Distress

This mission is under Uttar Pradesh’s ‘Mission Shakti’ programme, where the AI-enabled cameras will click photos of women in distress and send it to the control room. The police will then take the necessary action. According to reports, the police have identified 200 hotspots with a maximum movement of women.

Also read:  Goa Rated The Safest Place For Solo Women Travellers, Delhi At The Bottom.

Many Women Are Unhappy With The New Safety Feature

However, not everyone is happy with this new safety feature. Many slammed the initiative saying that the government was not taking enough steps to stop rapes against or punish perpetrators of crimes.  Many have also taken to Twitter saying that the cameras will violate the privacy of women. They are not happy with the peeping policemen intruding their privacy. Nagaland Citizens Give Free Lifts To Women At Night To Make India Rape-Free.

Picture Credits: weather.com

But the bigger question remains – will the UP women feel safe with the AI-installed cameras?

First Published: January 22, 2021 12:35 PM