



March Plane Turbulence Video Goes Viral Now, Netizens Shocked To See What Happened Inside It

by Shreya Rathod
March Plane Turbulence Video Goes Viral Now, Netizens Shocked To See What Happened Inside It

While sitting in a plane, have you ever experienced turbulence? It is the instability triggered by a break in the airflow that enables a plane to fly. And while some of them might be mild, others can be violent. Here’s one such plane turbulence video shared by Diana Assis, an influencer, that will leave you shocked. Take a look at the video of this shocking incident.

Terrifying Plane Turbulence Video

An influencer, Diana Assis, shared a video of the inside of aircraft during turbulence. While she was travelling from Luanda to Portugal, the pilot informed passengers that they would experience mild turbulence. However, it was so violent that the drinks and food were thrown everywhere. And this caused passengers to panic. This incident took place on a flight operated by TAAG Angolan Airlines. The flight had made a stopover in Luanda before continuing its journey to Portugal.

Initially, it was funny, however, after a few moments, there was a state of panic among the passengers. The red wine that she had ordered had spilt and splashed on the ceiling. According to her, turbulence struck two hours after takeoff and lasted for a few seconds. But it was enough for food to be scattered and injure some people.

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The crew provided first aid just before the landing. Shockingly, a newborn baby was travelling on board. The turbulence caused the baby to fly out of its parents’ hands and hit the ceiling. This prompted the pilot to call for a doctor’s help.

How To Deal With It?

plane turbulence
Credits: Canva

Turbulence can be unnerving and first-time flyers may not know how to handle it. You can enjoy the flight and handle any turbulence calmly by learning about what causes turbulence and how it may influence your plane. To calm your fears, look up turbulence online or speak with airport officials.

Pick a seat as close to the front as you can because the front of the plane is somewhat less likely to experience turbulence. Select a seat in the window or the aisle if you wish. Turbulence won’t affect you as much the more at ease you are.

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So, if you ever face turbulence, don’t panic!

Cover Image Courtesy: @10Abafando_/ Twitter

First Published: April 17, 2023 2:11 PM