Meet The Tigers Of India! These Photos Of Majestic Big Cats In Their Habitats Are Transcendent

by Tooba Shaikh
Meet The Tigers Of India! These Photos Of Majestic Big Cats In Their Habitats Are Transcendent

Tigers are easily the most hypnotic of beasts. If you’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing these majestic big cats in person, you know that they ooze power and ferocity. A photographer by the name of Mihir Mahajan frequently captures stunning photographs of these hypnotic beasts and they are definitely stare-worthy! Here are some of the choicest picks of the photographs of tigers of India shared by him on his Instagram account. Be careful not to fall into a trance!

Tigers Of India: Big Cats In India In Their Natural Habitat

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Let’s start our virtual viewing experience with this series of breathtaking images. As per the Instagram account, these absolute stunners were captured in Ranthambore National Park!

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These pictures from Pench Tiger Reserve are equally awe-inspiring and even though you know that these tigers can’t hurt you at the moment, merely looking at these photographs triggers some primal instinct in you that knows that the beast should be feared!

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Here are a few pictures that demonstrate the only law that governs the wild: that of might. If you have the power to stand your ground against the biggest and baddest of cats, you’ll be the ruler.

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Cats love cleanliness and big cats are no different!

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If the images so far didn’t impress you, here’s that definitely will. Taken at the Tadoba National Park, it showcases two tigers in a ferocious battle while the third one just chills.

Also Read: These Are The “Excellent” Tiger Reserves In India; Kerala Tops But What About North East?

Lessons To Learn From These Big Wild Cats

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Here’s a reminder to stay hydrated while you stare at these mesmerising photos!

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And while you’re at it, grab a snack too because why not!

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And don’t be afraid to turn that snack into a huge meal! That’s what this tiger would want you to do anyway and you don’t wanna disappoint this majestic beast, do you?

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Laying around and going on long walks is also incredibly necessary so remember to also do that!

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Spending time with loved ones is also very important!

Also Read: Good News! Mumbai’s Byculla Zoo Welcomes Tiger Cubs & Newborn Penguins & They’re So Cute!

Which of these mesmerising photographs did you love the most? Be sure to follow Mihir Mahajan’s Instagram account for more of these stunning photos!

Cover Image Credits: @mihirwildmahajan/Instagram