



Odisha Scientist Invents Turmeric Bandage That Heals Wounds Faster Than Regular Band Aid

by Sanjana Shenoy
Odisha Scientist Invents Turmeric Bandage That Heals Wounds Faster Than Regular Band Aid

Turmeric bandage, invented by a scientist in Odisha will pave the way for the global health industry. Senior scientist, Dr Sanjeeb Sahoo from Institute of Life Sciences (ILS) in Bhubaneswar developed a prototype of a band-aid that uses curcumin, a prominent ingredient in turmeric that heals wounds faster than a normal bandage. His unique turmeric bandage will deem extremely helpful in curing wounds of diabetes patients at a faster rate.

Turmeric Bandage Invented By Odisha Scientist Heals Wounds Faster

A turmeric-based adhesive bandage invented by a scientist in Odisha can be a game-changer in the herb’s wound-healing properties. Dr Sanjeeb Sahoo, a senior scientist at Bhubaneswar-based Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), has developed a prototype of an adhesive bandage that puts curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, in a sturdy, reliable base that can be used as a band-aid. Dr Sahoo stated to News18, “Turmeric has long been used in India as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal medicine. A pinch of turmeric dust in warm milk relieves sore throat. It used to be applied in childbirth in women and cows. But the great anti-inflammatory powers of turmeric could not be fully utilised so far for lack of a reliable application system. Our innovation makes it possible.”

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turmeric bandage
Picture Credits: News18

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The Frame Is Made From Biodegradable Ingredients

Dr Sahoo, implemented a bit of nanotechnology to concoct a curcumin emulsion with a lipid. He then blended it in a spongy frame of alginate and chitosan. These are biodegradable used commonly in drug delivery. The frame is similar to a scrubber pad Scotch-Brite. Alginate and chitosan can be procured from sea-weed and shellfish in India. This reduces the cost of producing the curcumin bandage significantly compared to other similar products. Moreover, curcumin can heal diabetic wounds much faster. Now that we’ve informed you about the turmeric bandage, here are scientifically proven foods to boost your mood. 

First Published: March 25, 2021 12:43 PM