



Solo Travel Makes Sense Whether You’re Employed, Married Or Full Of Social Commitments

by Sanjana Shenoy
Solo Travel Makes Sense Whether You’re Employed, Married Or Full Of Social Commitments

What’s your story? A married individual occupied with household chores and taking care of the children. A working individual on the pursuit of the perfect work-life balance, ‘if there is any’. An individual bombarded by social commitments. Amidst taking care of your children’s tuitions, karate classes, homework, family’s well being, deadlines at work, neverending household chores, super busy schedule and whatnot, do you ever feel the need to get away from it all, and squeeze in some much-needed me-time? Then again, you might be engulfed by an impending sense of guilt, to even envision some me-time away from family, work and social commitments. First of all, get those guilty thoughts out of your system. It’s perfectly alright to crave for some me-time away from all the worldly chaos. Sometimes, the answer to all this chaos can be something as simple as solo travel. Yes, solo travel makes sense, whether you’re employed, married or full of social commitments.


Travelling With Someone Else

You might feel that travelling with your family,  partner or even your gang can give you the same experience or benefits as solo travel. After all, it’s just travelling, right? Wrong! Think about it, when you travel with someone else, you end up consciously or subconsciously adjusting or compromising to match someone else’s travel desires. Your spouse doesn’t like shopping? Alright! Let’s skip the trip to the local markets. Your friend is not an early bird? Okay, let’s while away time at the resort and explore the countryside after lunch. Your family doesn’t like beach destinations? let’s chuck Goa and choose Ooty instead. Your relative doesn’t drink or eat non-vegetarian food? No issues, Mughlai Chicken Kebabs and Beer can wait. And so your travel desires, remain unfulfilled. Somehow travelling might become less enjoyable and more of a sacrificing activity.

Also Read: I Met My Partner On A Solo Trip To Hampi, Got Married And Started Travelories

Why Solo Travel?

Let’s face it travelling is spiritual and holy for some, and for others, it can be something as simple as ticking off a to-do list. Each of us is engineered in a different way with different likes and desires. You might not always find the perfect travel compatibility with your near and dear ones. So what do you do? Well, how about embarking on a solo travel experience? Yes, at first it can be quite daunting to see yourself away from your family and friends in a distant land all by yourself. But then it can also pose as a great opportunity to connect with yourself on a deeper level. Sometimes all you need is some me-time, to figure out your personal goals, expectations, spirituality and organize things in your head. Once you are clear, refreshed, happy and comfortable in your own company, only then can you successfully be the best version of yourself. Check out 5 Handy Tips For Solo Travellers


The Feeling Of Liberation

The flight emergency instruction states ‘ in the case of an emergency first wear your own oxygen mask before tending to your child’. That’s pretty much the point of solo travel. You first need to take care of your own peace of mind and well being, before taking care of any other responsibilities. Solo travel can be a therapeutic and wonderful learning experience. Right from planning the trip, budget, stay, itinerary your flight bookings to actually venturing out to the place of your choice, you’re on your own. When you travel on your own, it can be a truly liberating experience. You won’t be consciously or even unconsciously dependent on anyone else. You learn to listen to your instincts. More than anything, it will be your chance to break the rules. It’s your travel experience and the only person who can make or break the rules is YOU and YOU alone.

Solo Travel – Your Chance To Make Sense Out Of The Chaos

You don’t need to wait to experience solo travel in Europe like Kangana Ranaut’s character in Queen. A solo trip to even the nearby weekend getaway from your city can be great. There are plenty of hostels, homestays pgs, hotels and resorts that you can opt for, according to your budget. Interacting with the locals can give you wonderful ideas about the unexplored places or local joints in the city serving you delicious local cuisine. The historic monuments, rich culture, delectable local cuisine, unforgettable conversations with locals, beautiful travel memories, learnings of a lifetime, are all just one step away from you. All you got to do is trust yourself and take the leap of faith into the marvellous world of solo travel. Whether you’re employed, married or full of social commitments, solo travel is your chance to find the adventure in your life, make sense out of your chaos. Here are 7 Life Lessons Solo Traveling Taught Me

First Published: November 18, 2019 11:25 AM