Study Claims Filter Coffee Is The Healthiest Coffee And Can Extend Your Life

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Being an ardent coffee lover, I jumped on the bandwagon the minute I came to know about Dalgona Coffee. I whipped myself a frothy glass of cold Dalgona Coffee the first time. But unfortunately, it didn’t taste as delicious as it looked. So I whipped myself another glass, this time with hot milk. That’s when I realised, whether I used cold milk the first time, or hot milk the next, it just didn’t taste good. What did I do? I gave my tired arms some rest and made myself a strong, hot cup of South Indian Filter coffee. Being a South Indian, filter coffee has been a staple drink throughout my childhood. And now a study claims filter coffee is the healthiest coffee and can even extend your life. So maybe it’s time to wake up and smell the filter coffee?

Studies Correlate Coffee Brewing Methods To Lifespan

According to the findings of a new study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, brewing coffee with a filter is the recipe to lead a long and healthy life. In this study, European researchers studied the relationship between different coffee brewing methods and the risk of heart attack and death. More than 5,00,000 healthy men and women in the age group of 20-79 recorded the amount and type of coffee they drank for an average of 20 years. Smoking, blood pressure, cholesterol and physical activity can also influence heart health.  The team’s analysis made an interesting revelation that drinking coffee is not a dangerous habit in itself. But drinking filtered coffee is safer than no coffee at all.

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Filtered brew was linked to a 15% reduced risk of death from any cause, regardless of age, gender or lifestyle choices. The risk of death from heart disease was witnessed to be 20% lower in women and 12% lower in men, who consumed filter coffee. People who drank one to four cups of filtered coffee a day had the lowest mortality levels. The study states that unfiltered coffee contains substances which increases blood cholesterol. The use of filter while brewing coffee removes these substances and decreases the chances of heart attacks and premature death. Paper author and epidemiologist Dag Thelle, of the University of Gothenburg in Sweden states ‘Our study provides strong and convincing evidence of a link between coffee brewing methods, heart attacks and longevity’.

Also Read: Studies Reveal That People Who Drink Coffee Are Likely To Live A Long Life

Studies Advise People With Cholesterol Problems To Switch To Filter Coffee

Professor Thelle further advises people who are concerned about high cholesterol to switch to filtered coffee. He further adds that people with cholesterol issues must stay from unfiltered coffee made with a cafetière, or French press. The researcher advises everyone else to either drink coffee with a clear conscience or switch to filter coffee. The benefit of drinking filter coffee is when the coffee is poured through a flyer, it removes the oily components that can raise cholesterol. Filter Coffee lovers, Explore These Amazing Delhi Places For Fantastic Filter Coffee!

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A cup of filtered coffee contains around 30 times lower concentration of fatty lipid-raising substances than in a cup of unfiltered coffee. This study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology proves filter coffee to be the healthiest coffee compared to French Press and stove-top coffee. It can reduce the risk of heart attack and can extend your life. So maybe its time to give the social media trending Dalgona Coffee a break, and instead learn to prepare a soul-quenching cup of traditional Indian filter coffee.

Sanjana Shenoy: Content, Coffee and Cats these are a few of Sanjana's favourite things. Born in Baroda, brought up in Kuwait, settled in Bangalore, travel and food is her blood, bread and butter. When she isn't brewing delicious, wanderlust content, she's busy planning the smatter of restaurants she'd visit over the weekend.